IBCoMagazine’s Time Capsule: Exhibition and PAC Alumni Panel

Friday 18 Sep 2020, 14:00 - 17:00
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On 18 September IBCoM's student-led IBCoMagazine will be co-hosting an afternoon event with the Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) themed Journalism and the Creative Industry. The event consists of an Alumni Panel (14:00-15:30) and a special IBCoMagazine Exhibition with drinks (15:30-17:00). Students and staff from both IBCoM and Master Media Studies are invited to sign up for this event taking place at a location near campus.

The Alumni Panel

At 14:00 hrs the event will kick off with an alumni panel. Hosted by PAC's Chair dr. Yijing Wang, this panel session will focus on the experiences of our alumni in the work field. With their connection to journalism, creative industries, and/or creative background and interests, they will share their takeaways and tips with our current students.

Currently the following alumni have been confirmed as panelists. The first two were part of the IBCoMagazine team during their studies!

  • Joshua Kruter, Junior Art-Director at Fresh Bridge 
  • Anne Le Guennec, Assistant Marketing Manager at Unilever
  • Carlijn Oosthoek, Co-Owner at Do Company BV

In addition, Cecilia Arroyo, Editor in Chief of IBCoMagazine in 2019-2020, will join the panel as well.

The IBCoMagazine Exhibition

IBCoMagazine's Exhibition is dedicated to revisit the past years as an independent journalistic and creative outlet for IBCoM students. Guests can enjoy the pieces on display directly after the alumni panel - of course with appropriate 1,5-meter distancing. After walking through the exhibition, please follow the route leading to the drinks. 


The event will take place at Podium aan de Maas (5 minute bike-ride from campus) in the Prinsenzaal. The room looks out on the drinks-area below, where again we ask everyone to please enjoy the time to network with appropriate 1,5-meter distance between one another.


Students and staff have access to this event with a small participation fee of €4,50. Tickets can be purchased via this link. Due to limited (Corona-)capacity only a limited amount of tickets are available, so get your ticket as soon as possible!

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