Honours Degree Applied History
If you have high grades, you can complete an Honours Degree programme of an additional 20 EC. Together with the regular programme, you will then have to obtain 60 EC + 20 = 80 EC. Although an Honours Degree programme is recommended, it is not a prerequisite for a PhD programme.
The Honours Degree programme (20 credits) consists of:
- One, two or three extra seminars or a summer school in Rotterdam or elsewhere (total 15 credits) in the field of the chosen specialisation from master programmes at a Dutch or foreign university. It is also possible to undertake an activity that is equal to a seminar and which leads to a separately identifiable and verifiable product (e.g. a publishable article or PhD proposal).
- An extension of the master’s thesis by at least 5 credits, in the form of a separately identifiable and verifiable product (e.g. an extra chapter based on extra sources).
Only students who have obtained 20 ECTS after term 2 and have received a minimum mark of “8” for their research proposal will be admitted to the Honours Degree Programme.
If you want to be eligible for an Honours Degree, you must submit a proposal, supported by your thesis advisor, by e-mail to the master coordinator.
The proposal must contain:
- a list of the additional courses/summer schools which you would like to take, including links to the course descriptions
- an explanation on how the scope of the master’s thesis will be expanded and extended, for instance as a research proposal for a PhD programme or an extra chapter
- a proposal for a deadline for the completion of the honours programme. An extension of the master with three months is allowed.
This proposal will be assessed by the master coordinator in consultation with the examination committee. Next to the proposal, previous grades and the research proposal written in the Research Workshop are the main criteria to determine admission to the honours programme.
The Honours Degree will only be awarded to students who:
- have completed the expanded Master’s programme within the specified period
- have earned at least a grade of 8 for their Master’s thesis