The Modern Maritime History research group at the Maritime Museum Rotterdam and Erasmus University Rotterdam started operating on 1 September 2014. The group studies the history of Dutch shipbuilding, the port of Rotterdam and its links with the hinterland and the Dutch offshore industry. These topics will be the subject of academic research and will also be incorporated in the history curriculum at Erasmus University. The Modern Maritime History chair group, as it is known, is a collaborative venture between the Maritime Museum and Erasmus University, initially for a period of four years.
From research and education to exhibitions
Through the involvement of Prof. Hein Klemann from the university, a professor in social and economic history, the group is able to take on PhD students to research the history of Dutch shipbuilding, the port of Rotterdam and its links with the hinterland and the Dutch offshore industry. Jeroen ter Brugge from the Maritime Museum, the former Head of Collections, has been appointed academic programme curator. He is the link between academic research and education on the one hand and the incorporation of this, among other things, in exhibitions, in collaboration with the museum's experts. Maritime historian Dr Els Jacobs is the curator in residence and will play an important part in the design and coordination of the educational programme, the various research projects and the supervision of the PhD students.
With thanks to funds
The funding for the chair group does not come from the Maritime Museum's regular grant money. The university is involved, as is the Erasmus Trust Fund, but most of the costs are borne by various Rotterdam funds and the Mondriaan Fund. We would like to thank these funds for their financial contribution. It is partly thanks to the financial support, the effort and the commitment of these partners that we are able to achieve our ambitions in the field of scholarship.
More information
For more information, please contact Els Jacobs, the curator-in-residence of the academic program.
Tel.nr.: +31 10 408 8613
E-mail: e.m.jacobs@eshcc.eur.nl