Additional rules Education Center

Study spots and online education facilities at the Education Center
Make sure you have your Erasmus MC ID with you at all times!

  • Please only use study spots at the Education Center if you do not have a proper and quiet place to study at home or elsewhere;
  • Online education implies that you attend online classes from home or at another place outside Erasmus MC or the Education Center. The reason we are currently offering classes online is to prevent having too many students inside the Education Center and to avoid too much traveling. Students who do not have a proper and quiet place to study at home or elsewhere, however, are still welcome to study at the Education Center and attend online classes from there; 
  • Attending online classes at the Education Center is also still possible for students who need to do so between two classes on location (i.e., in between physical/live classes). For these groups of students specifically allocated rooms are available at the Education Center. A list of these rooms can be found in the time table app (search for "Stilteruimtes"). Students are urgently requested to use these rooms only rather than study spots at the Education Center itself. In case no rooms are listed, these study spots can be used after all. As we all need to adhere to the rule of keeping 1.5 meters distance, we need to keep an eye on all this carefully, so keep this rule in mind at all times! 
  • Study spots at the Education Center are primarily intended for students to study quietly. If you need to ask something to another student sitting nearby, this obviously is okay,  but please do avoid longer conversations with each other or even with multiple students. Just go to the chesterfields near the Espresso bar, but please also make sure to avoid loud conversations there as well;
  • Finally: the "Passage", the main and busiest area/route inside Erasmus MC. We are all urgently requested to make use of the Passage as little and as briefly as possible. Please go to the Education's main entrance or the Ee tower in one straight line and do not use the Passage to take a break or even to study there, and avoid creating small crowds there, too. 

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