Cyber Security in the maritime industry

Wednesday 19 Feb 2020, 15:30 - Thursday 19 Mar 2020, 19:00

Sanders L0-04 - Erasmus University - Erasmus School of Law

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Cyber Security

During the first maritime cyber security seminar in Rotterdam, in September 2019, the question was raised ‘What do you know about maritime cyber security?’ It appeared that practical knowledge of cyber security in the maritime playing field is very limited. In the seminar however, with the help of leading experts in cyber security, we have astonishingly established that exposure is huge and financial and operational risks are extremely high.

It is not a matter anymore whether you are interested in cyber security in the maritime industry. It is a necessity to learn how to deal with your exposure to it. The second maritime cyber security seminar will deal with the further in depth vision of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Dutch Shipbrokers (NZS) and the Rotterdam Maritime Services Community (RMSC) on this topic. The seminar will be presented with the assistance of international leading cyber security companies, a maritime insurance expert and a classification bureau.  Join the second seminar ‘Cyber security and the maritime industry’ on February 19 at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

Just like in other industries, cyber security is becoming increasingly challenging for maritime organizations and companies. The complexity, risks and exposures deriving from digitalization make cyber security a comprehensive topic. The diversity of cyber criminality and the lack of clear definitions for maritime related cyber challenges make it difficult to come up with universal solutions for this industry.

The Maritime Safety Committee, that deals with maritime safety and security which fall under the scope of the IMO adopted their Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems – MSC.428(98) resolution during the 98th meeting on June 16, 2017. Unfortunately, this resolution does not provide guidelines. The resolution only encourages companies to address cyber risks. These have to be incorporated into the shipping company’s Document of Compliance (DOC) no later than January first 2021.  The challenge is how to deal with this without clear guidelines of IMO.

Cyber security will only start after awareness about the importance of it. After awareness, thorough analyses and recommendations form the foundation on how companies should proceed with the implementation of cyber security measures. Because of the complexity of maritime cyber security, ICS, NZS and RMSC decided to organize a second joint seminar to start an in-depth discussion on this topic as a guidance for the Dutch maritime industry.

During the seminar on February 19 Eric Thorr Klopper – Senior Security Analyst – of industry frontrunner Armada Maritime (London, Piraeus) will further share his views. Armada is partnered up with leading maritime cyber security company: Cyber1. In addition, Jeremy Jethro –Chief Digital Officer and ex professional hacker – of CipherTechs Inc. will share examples and his approach to maritime cyber criminality during the seminar. In addition, The West of England P&I Club will share their vision and experience on how a maritime insurance company will deal with a cyber incident.

Associate Professor Frank Stevens of the Erasmus University will share his vision on the academic liability issues surrounding Cyber Attacks in the Maritime Industry.

Finally, Classification Bureau DNV-GL will further share their practical and operational knowledge on maritime cyber security with the intention to assist with the practical operational issues of cyber criminality.

Make sure to attend the seminar to gain valuable insights and knowledge to prepare yourself on the DOC obligation of IMO to deal with cyber criminality challenges in your business by the 1st of January 2021.

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