Roos Baas

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In the EMLE programme, I was able to learn about law from a different perspective.

Roos Baas

LL.M. student European Master in Law and Economics 2016-2017

I obtained my bachelor’s degree both in Economics at Erasmus School of Economics and Law at Erasmus School of Law. As well as studying, I have been active in the study association, and I like to play sports.

The European Master in Law and Economics (EMLE) consists of three different terms spanning three months each. I followed the first term in Bologna. At the moment, in this second term, I am studying at Erasmus School of Law in Rotterdam. In the third term, I will go abroad again, this time to Aix-en-Provence.

I liked studying Law while doing my bachelor’s, but I was not interested in becoming a lawyer or a judge. In the EMLE programme, I was able to learn about law from a different perspective. In the master’s, you learn how to conduct an economic analysis of laws and regulations. The master programme uses micro-economic models to analyse the changes in behaviour that result from different regulatory choices. In addition, I wanted to go abroad, and this programme provides the opportunity of going abroad twice or even three times during the year. In every country, you can follow a language course provided by the university, so it provides a good chance to learn new languages. After this LL.M. programme, I plan to do an MSc programme in Economics, probably health economics. I can say in all sincerity that I am really happy that I chose the EMLE programme, because I am interested in how law affects people, and in this programme I have the opportunity to go more deeply into this subject. 

I am not yet sure where I will be In five years, or what job I will have. Maybe I will be involved with policy making and government affairs, and I might want to work in the European Union. In any case, I believe this LL.M. programme will definitely contribute to such a career path.

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