Master History Alumni Experiences

  • Elsbeth van der Ploeg

    Elsbeth van der Ploeg - Alumna Master History

    During the master, I developed a lot of skills that are beneficial at every job.
    Elsbeth van der Ploeg
    During the master, I developed a lot of skills that are beneficial at every job.
    • Education: Journalism (BA); American Studies (BA); History (MA)
    • Graduated in: 2014
    • Current job: Information Specialist at Rotterdamsch Leeskabinet

    “After studying Journalism I wanted to deepen my knowledge. That is how I ended up at the bachelor American Studies at the University of Amsterdam. There I discovered that I found history on a meta-level really interesting. My choice for the master History was therefore purely based on the subjects that were taught. I always based my study choices on my own interests, but I thought the combination of Journalism and History would come in handy in the future.”

    Lots of opportunities

    “The master was interesting and challenging. The lecturers were really good and challenged you to work hard. There were a lot of opportunities for doing elective courses, internships and thesis subjects. It’s also possible to write your thesis for an interesting organization or archive. During the master, I developed a lot of skills that are beneficial at every job: thinking analytically and being critical on your own work so you keep improving it. We had to read a lot during the study and were challenged to think about that literature all the time.”

    Well prepared

    “During my master I worked for the bookshop Donner. When I graduated I got asked to work as a Student Assistant by supervising a Summer School from the University of California Berkeley and travelled with a group of American students through the Benelux for five weeks. Currently, I am working as an Information Specialist at Rotterdamsch Leeskabinet, that works together closely with the University Library of Erasmus University. The Leeskabinet is a library with a specialization in the humanities. That I studied the master History is definitely an advantage: I know all the subjects that matter. That comes in handy because I have to keep the collection up to date. I know which books are interesting for students. Besides that I am responsible for all communication of the Leeskabinet. As a history student I had to write a lot, which was a good preparation. “

    Elsbeth van der Ploeg
  • Ernst Prosman

    Ernst Prosman - Alumnus Master History

    Being in a position where you have to deal with recent and urgent international developments, it is very important to understand the – historical – backgrounds.
    Ernst Prosman
    Being in a position where you have to deal with recent and urgent international developments, it is very important to understand the – historical – backgrounds.
    • Education: History (BA); History of Society (MA)
    • Graduated in: 2015
    • Current job: Policy Officer at Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    "The master programme Global History and International Relations seemed like a good start for my career after pursuing my bachelor in History. At the time, I did not know which way I wanted to go. During my masters I did an internship at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After that, I decided to focus on the training for starting policy offers at the Ministry – ‘diplomatenklasje’ is the popular term for it in the Netherlands."


    "Two months after my graduation I got a temporary job as data analyst at the Authority for Consumers & Markets. This was not related to my studies, but connected with prior work experience. After that job I did a traineeship at the European Commission, which resulted in another temporary job. In the meantime I did language courses and deepening programmes abroad on my own initiative. Subsequently, I started one and a half year after my graduation with the ‘diplomatenklasje’."

    Historical basis

    "Currently I work as a country desk for Italy, Spain, Portugal and the Vatican at the Europe Department. I will stay in this position for two years in total. After that, I will be placed as a diplomat in a posting abroad. My studies in history, and especially my masters, are a solid basis for my current job. Being in a position where you have to deal with recent and urgent international developments, it is very important to understand the – historical – backgrounds. Because of my educational background, I automatically take a long-term perspective when looking at emerging developments. This is an important quality in a world where the issues of the day sometimes get the upper hand."

    Ernst Prosman

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