PhD defence Erik Koornneef

Prof.dr. P.B.M. Robben
Prof.dr. Roland Bal
Friday 4 Oct 2019, 09:30 - 11:00
PhD defence
Senate Hall
Erasmus Building
Campus Woudestein
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Erik Koornneef

Healthcare is one of the most challenging, resource intensive and complex areas of public sector reform. Many countries have established healthcare regulatory systems to provide assurance that standards are complied with and to improve the quality of care.

This research focused on the healthcare system in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a young, modern state with an ambitious healthcare reform program and takes an in-depth look at different methods used to regulate the conduct and performance of healthcare professionals and organizations.

A number of findings emerge from this study. In terms of the geographical context, this research provides a unique perspective on healthcare regulatory practice in a rapidly developing region. with a scarcity of research into the role and impact of regulatory methods.

Furthermore, healthcare regulatory agencies should take into consideration how the regulated organization and their staff perceive the regulatory agency when it comes to fairness, performance and legitimacy. Considering the costs of regulation and the lack of evidence for a deterrence approach, regulatory agencies should focus more of their energy on creating legitimate and transparent processes to support policies and regulation.

Finally, regulatory agencies need to be flexible and explore, adapt, design and experiment with regulatory methods. Even though many regulatory agencies have a wide arsenal of regulatory methods available to them, there is limited evidence on how, when and if these methods achieve the desired effects. A taxonomy of relevant methods may help in identifying the most suitable approach in order to achieve the regulatory objectives.

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