Conference - Compliance, enforcement and administrative cooperation in the VAT world of the future - 23 June 2023

Friday 23 Jun 2023, 13:15 - 17:30
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This year Erasmus University has the honour to organise the EANOVAT conference, which will be held on 23 June 2023, dedicated to the topic: 'Compliance, enforcement and administrative cooperation in the VAT world of the future'

This conference is part of a series of conferences organised by EANOVAT. The EAONOVAT Academic Committee consists of seven scholars specializing in indirect tax research. EANOVAT organises each year a conference and PhD seminar. The first edition was held in April 2013 at Lund University (Sweden). It was followed by several seminars, for example, at Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), at Durham University (UK), at Münster University (Germany), at Lund University, and at University of Leeds. Feedback and comments at those events were extremely positive, and we are therefore happy to announce the 9th edition of this initiative.

Presentations and speakers

The presentations of the one-day conference and speakers can be found in the attached flyer.

Location and programme

The seminar takes place between 13.15 and 17.30 on the campus of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Here you can find the programme details.

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Mandeville Building
Room T3-20
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Who should attend?

Professionals in law firms, accountancy firms, supranational or international institutions, members of tax administrations or university students.

Registration and payment

Please register online via the registration form below. Please note that there is a limited number of places available, which will be allocated according to the priority principle. Participants can pay via a link sent by e-mail after registration. Once we have received payment in good order, the registration is complete.


In case of any questions, you can reach us by sending an email to

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More information

For more information please visit the EANOVAT website.

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