International Conference on Day Fines

Wednesday 26 Jun 2019, 08:30 - 19:00
Sanders 0.12
Sanders Building
Campus Woudestein
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In this very first international conference on day fines, experts in criminal law and criminology from different European countries will discuss the unique system of criminal fines which systematically depend not only on the severity of the offence but also on the wealth of the offender.

Half of the European countries are currently applying a unique model of fines, which systematically accounts for the income of the offender. Consequently, in these jurisdictions, the nominal amount of the fine depends not only on the severity of the offence but also on the income of the offender. This type of fine has great potential in terms of improved deterrence and a fairer system of pecuniary sanctions. However, not much is known about this system. This conference gathers experts in the field to explain the day fine system in different countries where they are implemented.


08.30 – 08.50 Registration with coffee/tea

08.50 – 09.00 Welcome and Opening – Michael Faure

09.00 – 09.30 Introduction - Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko

09.30 – 10.00 Finland - Raimo Lahti

10.00 – 10.30 Germany - Hans-Jörg Albrecht

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 – 11.30 Austria – Robert Kert, Verena Brunner, & Christopher Kahl

11.30 – 12.00 Hungary - Csaba Győry

12.00 – 12.30 France - Bruno Deffains & Jean Baptiste Thierry

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch

13.30 – 14.00 Portugal - Maria Fernanda Palma & Helena Morão

14:00 – 14:30 England and Wales - Valsamis Mitsilegas & Foivi Mouzakiti

14.30 – 15.00 Spain - Jesús Barquín Sanz

15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break

15.30 – 16.00 Poland - Slawomir Steinborn

16:00 – 16:30 Croatia - Maja Munivrana Vajda

16.30 – 17.00 Slovenia - Mitja Kovac

17.00 – 17.30 Coffee break

17.30 – 18.00 Switzerland - Martin Killias

18.00 – 18.30 Are Day-fines Fair? – Conrad Heilmann

18.30 – 19.00 General discussion

Participation in the conference is free of charge, but registration is required either through the webform below or by sending an email to by 12 June 2019.

This conference has been made possible through the generous support of:

  • Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity

    Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity
  • Erasmus Trustfonds

    Logo van het Erasmus Trustfonds
  • Behavioural Approaches to Contract and Tort: Relevance for Policymaking (BACT)

    Foto van het logo van BACT

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