Kick-off Conference ‘The Roundabouts of Digital Governance’

The conference will work on an inventory of the hot-spots of digital governance, and it will discuss with which best practices and approaches one can get a grip on the challenges of the ongoing digital transformation.

Tuesday 28 Jan 2020, 17:00 - Thursday 30 Jan 2020, 16:15
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Participation is free of charge. However, advance registration is required.

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Marianne Breijer, event manager
Erasmus School of Law

The conference will be concerned with overarching questions on the outer limits of digital governance and the internal modalities of achieving it—directly or indirectly, and privately or publicly. The conference has two major parts addressing the fundamental societal challenges of digital governance, thereby following the dimensions 1) private/public and 2) intra/cross-jurisdictional.

About the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Digital Governance (DIGOV)

Digital Governance (DIGOV) is the name of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence that has been awarded by the European Commission to Erasmus School of Law, in conjunction with the Centre for Business Law and Practice of the Law School of the University of Leeds (UK) and the Law School of Bar-Ilan University (Israel). Centres of Excellence are awarded to outstanding research groups that have a visible societal impact and do cutting-edge research on an international scale.

Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Robots, 3D-Printing, the Smart Factory, Autonomous Cars or Chat Bots. These terms are short cuts for the technological and social disruptions with which we are confronted at our workplaces, at home, at school, when we are buying something on the internet or if we take part in elections. The new EU Commission lead by von der Leyen has identified digitalization and digital governance as one of its main priorities for the upcoming years.

DIGOV asks which rules and norms are needed to enable Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to fully support our individual and societal interests. To that aim DIGOV organizes international conferences, a visiting scholar program, policy consultations and builds up an open teaching platform.

For more information visit our


Location: Senate Room, Erasmus Building, 1st Floor.

17.00Get together & Registration

Opening by Rutger Engels, Rector Magnificus EUR

Keynote lecture ‘Judicial Tech’ by Christoph Engel (MPI / EUR)

18.15  Reception

Location: Sanders Building, room 0.03.

09.00Late registration and welcome

Panel 1: New technologies and their disruptive impact on economic integration
Speakers: Klaus Heine (EUR) and Wouter Verheyen (University of Antwerp)

10.45Short coffee break

Panel 2: E-government – liquid democracy and tight administration
Speakers: Oren Perez (BIU) and Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov (BIU)

12.30    Light lunch

Panel 3: Teaching digital governance - blending the digital curriculum
Speakers: Farshida Zafar (EUR) and Kris Stabel (EUR)

15.45Coffee break
16.15    General debate with the public
19.00Conference dinner at Restaurant Okay, Vijf Werelddelen 71, Rotterdam

Location: Van der Goot Building, Forum room.

09.00Coffee & tea

Panel 4: Digital Platforms: Competitors and Regulators
Speakers: Pinar Akman (UL) and Ayelet Sela (BIU)

10.45    Short coffee break

Panel 5: Data all over the place; but who is responsible?
Speakers: Evert Stamhuis (EUR) and Freek Bomhof (TNO)

12.30Light lunch

Roundtable Mapping digital governance – Intra and cross jurisdictional challenges for law and policy making in the EU and beyond with Sara Kemppainen (I4ADA), Anna Keuning (ESL), Patrick Spigt (Haarlem Municipality), Christoph Steck (Telefonica), Bart Vrancken (De Volksbank), Hub Zwart (ESPhil)

Moderated by Gerrit Schipper (ECDA)

15.45Wrapping up by Klaus Heine & Evert Stamhuis

Closing words by Suzan Stoter, Dean ESL

Farewell drinks & reception

Participation is free of charge. However, advance registration is required.

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