Masterclass ‘Cartel or Network? Ranking the quality of journals’ by Prof. Oren Perez

Wednesday 6 Feb 2019, 11:30 - 12:45
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campus Woudestein

Oren Perez is Dean of Bar-Ilan University, partner in the Erasmus+ exchange programme and the new Private Law Consortium.

Oren Perez has an LLB (Magna Cum Laude) from Tel Aviv University and LL.M. (1997), Ph.D. (2001) from London School of Economics and Political Science. He also has a BA in Philosophy, University of London, 2015. He is currently (from October 1st 2017) Dean of Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Law. He primarily works in the fields of Environmental Regulation, Transnational Law, Law and Networks and E-democracy.

The lecture is based on his recent paper: Perez, Oren, Bar-Ilan, Judit, Cohen, Reuven and Schreiber, Nir, The Network of Law Reviews: Citation Cartels, Scientific Communities, and Journal Rankings (August 31, 2018). Modern Law Review, Forthcoming 2018/2019. Available at SSRN:

Location: Polak Y1-10. Participation is free of charge and open to all who are interested. 

For further information: Marianne Breijer (

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