On 26-27 September 2019, we are organizing a conference on the theme of the shift from welfare to social investment states and privatization of work-related risk control (for conference theme and program, see below). The conference brings together international speakers from Law, Law and Economics, and Policy Sociology and Public Administration, with keynotes from Romke van der Veen (Professor in Sociology, Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences) and Ruben Houweling (Professor in Labour Law, Erasmus School of Law).
- Date
- Thursday 26 Sep 2019, 09:15 - Friday 27 Sep 2019, 17:00
- Type
- Conference
- Ticket information
If you wish to attend, please contact rile-sec@law.eur.nl.
The conference concludes with a panel discussion in which experts in the field will reflect on shifts from welfare to social investment states. The panel consists of Prof. Jet Bussemaker (Leiden University, former Dutch State Secretary of Health, Welfare and Sport), Harold Herbert (Dutch Association of Insurers), Hester Houwing (National Federation of Christian Trade Unions [CNV]), Daniel Waagmeester (Netherlands Directorate General Social- Economic Affairs [ASEA]), and Hans Naudts (European Commission representation in The Hague).
We cordially invite you to attend the conference. Participation is free of charge, but places are limited (first come, first serve). If you wish to attend, please contact rile-sec@law.eur.nl.
The conference aims to understand the changing responsibilities of public and private actors in the control of work-related risks. During the last few decades government-centred welfare models are increasingly complemented or supplanted by novel constellations, which redefine government responsibilities (e.g., investment in human resources vs. social protection), and let private actors share increasing responsibility (a.o., for occupational disease, incapacity, unemployment or sustained employability). This transition creates new challenges for stakeholders, which must be overcome in order to be effective. Within this framework, the conference will focus on two major subthemes:
- Instruments: in what novel instruments have the changing responsibilities resulted, for example in terms of enforcement of social policies, or insurance of labour market risk? What novel collaborative governance initiatives between public and private actors have emerged?
- Consequences: what consequences do the changing responsibilities entail for stakeholders (e.g., workers at risk, employers, caseworkers)? How do they impact collective welfare and suffering from work-related risks?
This conference is part of two interfaculty collaborations that have been funded by the Board of Erasmus University Rotterdam: the Research Excellence Initiative Shifting from Welfare to Social Investment States: The Privatization of Work-Related Risk Control and its Impact, and the Erasmus Initiative Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity.
Participation fees
Participation in the conference is free of charge. Complimentary refreshments and lunch will be provided.
- Romke van der Veen*
- Niels Philipsen*
- Peter Mascini*
- Chris Reinders Folmer*
- Michael Faure*
- Marianne Breijer
- Martin de Jong#
*REI project Shifting from Welfare to Social Investment States
#Erasmus Initiative Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity