Stakeholder dialogue on sustainable and responsible investment by ABP

Wednesday 19 Jun 2024, 15:00 - 17:00
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Campus Woudestein
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On Wednesday June 19th the UNL Academic Committee Sustainable Investment ABP invites you to join us in a conversation with our pension fund ABP about its sustainable and responsible investment policy. Are you an employee at one of the Dutch universities? Then please feel free to join the conversation, in person or online. Participation is free of charge but registration is mandatory. 

In March 2024, ABP presented its new policy on sustainable and responsible investment. A very topical issue considering the ongoing sustainability debates at Dutch universities and the increasing number of international and European rules and guidelines . According to ABP “[Companies] … must actively embrace climate policies and contribute to the preservation of nature and biodiversity. This imperative extends to ABP as well, given the profound impact of a changing world on our investments”.

As employees at the Dutch universities, we are participants in the ABP pensioen fund. This gives us a stake in how our pension contributions are invested by ABP. In addition, we can support ABP in the choices and dilemmas they face in this regard by offering academic insights on relevant topics. This is why UNL (Universities of the Netherlands) in 2021 set up an Academic Committee Sustainable Investment ABP.  

On June 19th, UNL and the committee members are organizing a stakeholder dialogue at Erasmus University Rotterdam in which you can join us in a conversation with ABP about the expectations of and challenges for ABP when it comes to responsible and sustainable investment. The focus in doing so will be on the actions taken by ABP to prevent its investments from funding corporate activities with adverse impacts on people or our planet. 

Questions that may arise include: What is expected of ABP on the basis of international guidelines and European regulations? To what extent does this shape ABP’s investment policy? What role do the viewpoints of its participants play in this regard? How does ABP identify which companies in its value chain have the most serious adverse impacts? To what extent can ABP exercise leverage to prevent or mitigate those adverse impacts? And what happens if that doesn’t work? What challenges and dilemmas does ABP face in this regard? On which topics should an academic committee of experts provide advice to ABP?  

More than enough food for thought – and dialogue! On Wednesday June 19th between 3 and 5 PM we will engage in a conversation with ABP about these and related questions. We will start with an introduction by the academic committee, followed by an explanation by ABP. Do you want to join in or listen to the discussion, in person or online? Then please register using the link on this page. The meeting will be held in English, but participants are welcome to ask questions or respond in Dutch. 

We look forward to seeing you on the 19th! 

The UNL Academic Committee Sustainable Investment ABP  

Are you an employee at one of the Dutch universities? Then please feel free to join the conversation, in person or online. Participation is free of charge but registration is mandatory. 
You can find the registration form below. 

Register here.

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