Centre for the Law and Economics of Cyber Security

Research Centre Erasmus School of Law

There is under- and overinvestment in cyber security by both government and industry. The effectiveness of cyber security related products and training is often unclear. The gap between intentions and behaviour is large. As the investments in cyber security will rise in the future through developments such as robotics, the ‘internet of things’ and blockchain, so will the need for a societal debate about the efficiency of those investments.  


Indonesian delegation visits Centre for the Law and Economics of Cyber Security

Last Wednesday 23 August, an official delegation from Indonesia's National Cyber and Crypto Agency visited CLECS
group of BSSN and CLECS researchers

Sophie van der Zee unravels the art of lying

Sophie van der Zee shares her insights on lies and the ways to detect them, for example when interrogating criminal suspects.
Sophie van der Zee

Sophie van der Zee new director of the Centre for the Law and Economics of Cybersecurity

As of 1 March 2023, Bernold Nieuwesteeg, director of the Centre for the Law and Economics of Cybersecurity, hands over the reigns to Sophie van der Zee.
Sophie van der Zee standing in front other Eramus statue

“Organisations will not achieve optimal cybersecurity with fear, fines and ambiguity”

Bernold Nieuwesteeg, director of CLECS at Erasmus School of Law, warns of a new vague and strict EU-cybersecurity directive.
Bernold Nieuwesteeg

Government should discuss cybersecurity with civilians

According to Bernold Nieuwesteeg, director of the CLECS of Erasmus School of Law, civilians are insufficiently heard about cybersecurity.
Bernold Nieuwesteeg

ASM International receives prize for transparency on cybersecurity

ASM International has won the annual Cyber Security Annual Report Index prize issued by the CLECS and ICFG.
CLECS 2022

Transparency in cybersecurity: a blind spot?

Bernold Nieuwesteeg and Willem Kuijken have submitted a reaction to the review of the Corporate Governance Code.
Programming Code

PostNL receives prize for transparency in cybersecurity

PostNL received the Cyber Security Annual Report Index trophy from Vice Dean Maarten Verbrugh and Bernold Nieuwesteeg, director of the CLECS.

Raising awareness of digital risks is not enough to fight cybercrime. But what is?

Bernold Nieuwesteeg, director of the CLECS of Erasmus School of Law, wrote a paper on combating cybercrime more effectively together with other experts.
Bernold Nieuwesteeg

‘We should aim for a society in which not paying ransom is the benchmark’

Insurance companies cover the payment of ransom in case of a ransomware incident. Bernold Nieuwesteeg, director of the CLECS, disagrees with this policy.
Bernold Nieuwesteeg

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Ronald de Groot

Ronald de Groot

Communications advisor

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