Faculty Colloquium V

Wednesday 15 Jan 2020, 17:00 - 18:30
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In this colloquium, Prof. Han van Ruler and Dr. Erik-Jan Bos (both ESPhil) will present the research project Decoding Descartes for which they recently received an NWO Open Competition Grant.

Decoding Descartes took off on 1 January 2020 and promises to offer a more comprehensive picture of the philosopher-scientist René Descartes (1596-1650), a picture that will enable us to evaluate the relevance of his legacy for philosophy, psychology and neuroscience in new ways.

Reconstructing both Descartes' philosophical development and his extensive correspondence, the project hopes to demonstrate why a more subtle understanding of this historical figure may be relevant for understanding contemporary deadlocks in thinking about science, philosophy and ourselves.


Han van Ruler: ‘Remodelling the Image of René Descartes’

Erik-Jan Bos: ‘The New Oxford Edition of Descartes’ Correspondence’

More information will be announced soon. 

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