Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciative inquiry


Appreciative inquiry is a method for identifying what is good and valuable in the current situation and finding out where ‘the energy’ is.


Change often occurs as a result of inspiration, optimism and enthusiasm. The positive approach of appreciative inquiry helps look for solutions on the basis of opportunities and positivity. 


  1. Together with the participant, define the issue you are looking to solve. Formulate the issue in a positive way. 
  2. Inventory everything that is already going well. What good examples can the participant name? What leads to enthusiasm on the part of the participant? Which initiatives and ideas are worthwhile? Which opportunities can be identified?
  3. Have the participant sketch out a dream image. What does the ideal future look like? What would the world look like if the issue were resolved? What should actually happen if there were no impediments at all?
  4. Think about how this dream can be achieved. What is needed? Who can help? Which good examples, initiatives and ideas from the previous step can play a role here? What should be discarded, but more importantly: what should be kept?
  5. Make a plan. Which steps and activities should be undertaken to realise this dream? What can be started tomorrow?
  6. Reflect on the outcomes. Has the potential regarding this issue been made sufficiently clear? Are there any other possibilities, opportunities or ideas worth mentioning?

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