Future Visioning

Future visioning


Future visioning is fantasising about a desirable future in order to have a basis for a brainstorm.


By formulating a desirable future and having ideas based on this, you are not limiting your creativity to your current worldview. This increases the chance of hitting on innovative solutions.


  1. Decide on a time horizon. Is the vision you want to formulate intended to materialise in ten, twenty or even fifty years?
  2. Collect as many ideas as possible for what you want the world and the issue to look like in this future, and write them down. Consider various aspects that form part of the future vision. What will societal, economic, ecological, political, social or demographic elements look like in this desired future?
  3. Go through the ideas, clustering related ones. Give a name to each cluster. These are the ‘big ideas’ for your desired future.
  4. Consider what it would be like to live in this future and what the issue will look like then. Use various perspectives: the target group, the client or other stakeholders. What does their work look like, their daily activities, their spare time?
  5. Elaborate the future vision using the above-mentioned points, until you have a colourful narrative. Frequently used formats for this are a letter, a newspaper, a diary or a video message from the future.

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