


Immersion involves going into the context of an issue. You go to the location, talk with the people, observe and experience for yourself what the issue is about and how it manifests in the real world.


Going into the context of an issue and spending some time immersed in that context makes you use all of your senses to understand the issue. Rather than only being able to conceive of the issue intellectually, you become able to feel it.


  1. Decide how best you can enter into the context of the issue. Is it simply a matter of going to the location, observing, undertaking or experiencing something yourself and chatting with people? Or is it necessary to arrange for taster sessions, shadowing, work visits or home visits?
  2. Think about how you will enter into the context, what you want to pay attention to, how you will record your data and what is needed for this.
  3. Plan the immersion. Set a date, collect or develop required materials, inform people et cetera.
  4. Go to the location and carry out the immersion. Remember to use all of your senses and to have a variety of experiences.
  5. Afterwards, find a quiet spot to reflect on the immersion. What do you remember most clearly? What have you learned? What have you experienced? What have you heard? What have you seen? What have you felt?

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