Meet our new researcher... Louise Smink

Capturing the real picture
The process of making the Impact at the Core video’s

Meet our new Learning Innovator... Ines Labarca

A course that impacts both society and education; when students say I DO

Learning your way to societal impact; this is Design Atelier

‘Societal contribution EUR is not just about knowledge’

‘Proximity matters!’ Jan Peter van den Toren on stakeholder involvement and regional ecosystems

Keynote Van der Vleuten on programmatic assessment: ‘Grades are the poorest form of feedback’

‘Knowledge is no longer our essence as a uni.’ Prof. Isabelle Reymen on challenge-based learning

Perry den Brok over het onderwijs van morgen en investeren in soft skills: ‘Als het misgaat is er niets softs aan’

Transformative learning; how to prepare students for collaboration with stakeholders