Lotus Blossom

Lotus blossom


Lotus blossom is a technique with which we explore and stretch the solution space in an associative way.


Through association we create unexpected connections that can yield new perspectives and ideas. This increases the chance of hitting on innovative solutions.


  1. Choose a topic as a starting point for the lotus blossom. This can be a problem to be solved, a value to be created or a desired outcome.
  2. Think of five to ten ideas for solving this problem, creating this value or achieving this outcome.
  3. For each idea, think of another five to ten related ideas, complementing it, improving it and so on. Repeat this step if desired.
  4. Go through the ideas, clustering the ones that are interrelated or that form interesting combinations. What new possible solutions emerge?
  5. You could repeat the lotus blossom using a different topic for a starting point.

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