Date: 26 October 2017, 09.00-16.30
Place: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus Expo- en Congrescentrum
This symposium is organized with the support of the Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture (WTMC).
Download the summary of the presentations.
This symposium brings together scientists, policymakers and architects to discuss places of care and place making for healthcare. How does the environment affect patients and professionals in hospitals? How is materiality employed to help dementia patients in nursing homes? What does the process of building buildings and creating places show about the changing landscape of healthcare in the Netherlands?
Healthcare is not confined to the hospital anymore, as health becomes a priority and a value in our day-to-day life. We talk of healing environments, green spaces and urban green developments, because health today is less about cure and more about care. This means that architects and policy makers increasingly become engaged in the processes of making care happen. It is therefore important to discuss the different “ways of knowing” in designing and building healthcare facilities. Where are the junctures and how do they matter?
Confirmed speakers
- Prof. dr. Tim Cresswell, Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut
- Prof. dr. Ken Worpole, Emeritus Professor at Cities Institute London Metropolitan University
- Ir. AnneMarie Eijkelenboom, architect and researcher at EGM architects
- Han Dijk, founding partner at Posad Spatial Strategies
- Femke Feenstra, director of de Jong Gortemaker Algra Architects and Engineers (dJGA)
- Prof. dr. Roland Bal, chair of the Healthcare Governance research group at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management at Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Dr. Daryl Martin, Daryl's research interests are primarily located in the intersections of architecture, embodiment and health
- Dr. Bernike Pasveer, Assistant Professor at the Department of Technology, Science & Society of FASoS/UM