
550 search results for admission requirements for international students in English in Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management.


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  • Bachelor Open Day
    Sign up for the Bachelor Open Day of Erasmus University Rotterdam on Saturday 5 October 2024!
  • Representative advisory board
    ESHPM has its own staff and student participation council, called ESHPM Council.
  • ESHPM Mentoring Programme
    As a student, get in touch with an alumni professional who can tell you all about the programme and career.
  • Parking campus Woudestein
    On Woudestein campus are 2 parking garages (drive through height 2,10 meters). Throughout the campus, paid parking is available for visitors.
  • "Our actions must have meaning for society. That's what I find beautiful about Medical Delta."
    How do you ensure that people with chronic conditions continue to participate in society? What can be done to keep healthcare professionals vital?
  • Master Open Day
    Find out which master's suits you best, ask all your questions to students and teachers or attend practical sessions on making the right study choice.
  • For Prevention too: actions speak louder than words
    Prevention, too, is not about words but deeds, stresses Bram Wouterse, associate professor at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM).
  • Pharmaceutical companies often continue to charge high prices for cancer drugs despite indication expansion
    Price reductions are essential to reduce health care costs and ensure the affordability of care.
  • Lessons from Professor Rianne Letschert
    yESHPM (Young ESHPM) welcomed professor of victimology and international law Rianne Letschert in their midst for a talk as part of a series of inspirational…
  • Caring about Informal Caregivers’ Health – London or Leiden, does it matter for their experiences?
    Population aging is often seen as an abstract concern that is best left to politicians or the pension-funds to occupy themselves with.

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