
551 search results for admission requirements for international students in English in Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management.


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  • Retiree Professor Eddy Van Doorslaer receives honour of knighthood
    Van Doorslaer has been awarded the royal honour for his outstanding contribution to the specialist field of health policy worldwide.
  • Offered electives
    Offered electives at the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management.
  • Should we stop costly treatments to reduce the high healthcare costs?
    André den Exter, Associate Professor of Health Law at Erasmus School of Law, pleads for a political debate about the standard setting for expensive treatments.
  • Campus
    The hub of Erasmus University Rotterdam is our Woudestein campus, a convenient 15-minute bike ride from Rotterdam’s city centre, including the sleek new…
  • Thijs van de Broek receives NWO Open Competition-SSH grant
    He receives the grant for his research project: Loneliness as a Driver of Emigration (LoneDrivE).
  • Two ESGH PhD Excellence Awards
    Marjolijn Heerings (HCG) and Marthe Stevens (HCG) received an award for PhD excellence. What a great recognition for their work.
  • New EU Research Project PECUNIA Receives 3 Million Euros Funding
    PECUNIA - Optimising Healthcare Provision in Europe: New Eurice Project PECUNIA Launched Dr. Leona Hakkaart-van Roijen and Kimberly Hubens (Erasmus School of
  • Lessons from Professor Jochen Mierau
    As part of our inspirational talks, yESHPM recently welcomed Jochen Mierau, professor of public health economics, to spearhead a meetup for young researchers.
  • ‘To be more impactful would be to have more time to build relationships’
    In the fifth contribution to our ‘Exploring transformative research’ blog series, we talk with Bert de Graaff about his work for the Erasmus School of Health
  • (Zahra) Z Niazkhani
    After graduating from Medicine at Urmia University of Medical Science in 1999, I worked as a general practitioner in public and private sectors of Iranian…

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