Workshop Padre Solalinde

Thursday 14 Mar 2019, 15:00 - 17:00

C1-2, Theil Building

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Padre Solalinde

Each year, the Dutch municipality of Vlaardingen awards its so-called ‘Geuzenpenning’, a medal honouring human rights defenders around the world, to an individual deserving that fame.

Each year, the Dutch municipality of Vlaardingen awards its so-called ‘Geuzenpenning’, a medal honouring human rights defenders around the world, to an individual deserving that fame.

On 14 March, from 15:00-17:00 in C1-2, an academic side-event is organized at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Padre Solalinde will open the workshop with a presentation. After that, thee EUR scholars with different backgrounds will be presenting their reflections: Samer Abdelnour from Rotterdam School of Management, Kristin Henrard from Erasmus School of Law, and Gijs van Oenen from Erasmus School of Philosophy. Subsequently, the floor will be opened to ask questions and have discussions with Padre Solalinde and the EUR scholars.

While this event is open to all, we welcome especially students with an active interest in human rights, refugees/migrants and Latin American affairs.

About the Geuzenpenning

The Geuzenpenning, named after the group of resistance from Vlaardingen in the second World War, is granted each year to organizations or persons that defend the human rights and defend themselves against dictatorship, discrimination and racism.

About Padre Solalinde

In 2019, Padre Alejandro Solalinde Guerra will receive this medal. He has been trying to support poor people in dangerous journeys in search of a better life: a phenomenon of all time. In their journey, they have to deal with many maltreatments that undermine their human dignities, such as rape, murder and trafficking. Padre Solalinde has supported these people for over ten years and has been criticized a lot by governmental and clerical authorities for his attempts to support these vulnerable people. He was granted the Geuzenpenning for his many years of support and efforts.

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About prof. Kristin Henrard

Prof. Kristin Henrard is Professor of Fundamental Rights in particular of persons belonging to Vulnerable Groups, including Minorities at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam (EUR).  She is one of the coordinators of the Erasmus Migration and Diversity Institute (EUR). From February 2005 to May 2010 she worked on her VIDI- project which was granted by the Dutch Council for Scientific Research regarding the implications for minority protection of the Race Equality Directive. She has more than 160 publications, a substantial part of which concerns fundamental rights and minorities (covering a broad range of themes, including educational, religious and participatory rights in addition to the prohibition of discrimination). She continuously expands her range into multi-disciplinary papers pertaining to integration, and more recently she is also working on ‘vulnerability’ as a marker in human rights monitoring, and on ‘nationality’/’legal’ citizenship. She teaches courses on advanced public international law, international criminal law, human rights, and on minorities and fundamental rights.

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