Master Students present master thesis for book 'Toekomstig privaatrecht'

elf studenten van de master Privaatrecht

On Wednesday, 15 June 2022, eleven master's students of the master in Civil Law | Commercial Capital Law and the master in Liability & Insurance at Erasmus School of Law presented their most important research findings to family, friends, and employees of Erasmus School of Law. These students did not write a regular thesis but took part in the annual thesis book 'Jonge Meesters', in which every student takes care of a chapter of the book that will be published later this year by publisher Boom Juridisch.

In the past years, several fine civil law thesis books have been published in the 'Jonge Meesters’-series, about stimulating and actual themes like Public-Private Law, Interest-rich Civil Law, and expansion in Civil Law. This year, the theme was future Private Law.

The festive afternoon took place in a hybrid form: the students, supervisors and a large share of the invitees, amongst which Professors and lectures of Erasmus School of Law, joined on campus, whilst several other interested people joined remotely. Each student gave a mini-lecture about their subject, after which the (digital) audience asked them several questions.

This year, the thesis book was supervised by Martijn Scheltema, Ilona van der Zalm, and Melissa de Groot, all of them are associated to the Department of Law & Business of Erasmus School of Law. The authors of this year’s book are Rebecca Bosch, Amber Lombardo, Willemijn Smit, Rogier Beets, Julia Schreuder, Sophie in ’t Veld, Joost van Beek, Tessa Verloop, Yvette Rijswijk, Rick Lichtenberg, and Daan van Broeckhuijsen.

PhD student

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