Thought Experiments: An Introduction to Philosophy
Doing philosophy is like seeing a movie and wondering what will happen next, or what you would do in the same situation, or what’s real and what’s merely make-believe.
You’re probably not aware of it, but since you already know how to see movies and use your imagination, you’re well on your way to becoming a good philosopher. The only thing you still need and want to develop though is the ability to use your imagination in a philosophical way, and that’s exactly what you’ll learn in this MOOC.
This MOOC was developed in collaboration with the Community for Learning & Innovation (CLI)

The Politics of Skepticism
Do you wish to learn more about the history of skepticism from the ancient Greeks to today and explore the systematic relations between skepticism and politics? In the MOOC The Politics of Skepticism you will take a tour along some of the defining moments of the history of skepticism, its religious and political ramifications, as well as its continuing philosophical relevance for science and society today.
This MOOC is given by Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Mind of the Universe: Science in Progress
In this learning experience you will be turned upside down by dr. Tim de Mey, who will challenge you to think outside of your comfort zone. You will be challenged to reflect critically and creatively on what triggers your research, i.e., what is driving the scientist in you. Tim will show you how openness to and interaction with other disciplines generates new ideas, and how important it is that scientists, besides the possibilities of their own discipline, are also aware of its (and there) limitations. Take this challenge and you will construct the perfect out-of-the-box research question that will tease the Mind of the Universe scientists to explore even better answers in their research.