Inclusive Prosperity Lunch Seminar: Dr. Constanze Binder

How much is enough? The freedom to pursue a sustainable life
Thursday 19 Dec 2019, 12:00 - 13:00
Spoken Language
Polak Building
Campus Woudestein
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In the last months of 2019, the Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity initiative will host three lunch seminars. Academics from various fields of research will speak about interesting and relevant topics related to inclusive prosperity. During the seminar, a free sandwich lunch will be provided by the initiative. In order to have enough sandwiches and keep spillage to a minimum, registration is required. The speaker for this edition is Dr. Constanze Binder.

Constanze Binder is assistant professor in Philosophy at the Erasmus School of Philosophy, co-director of the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics and programme director of the Research Master programme in Philosophy and Economics. Constanze studied Economics and Environmental System Science at Graz University and obtained a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Groningen. She previously taught in the Philosophy Departments of Groningen and Leiden University, worked at the Economics Department of the University of Osnabrück, and contributed to projects for the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Environment and the Austrian Human Dimensions Program. Constanze’s research is on interface of philosophy and economics, with a particular focus on the analysis of freedom, responsibility and distributive justice in political philosophy and welfare economics, as well as on the ethics of individual and collective decision making in politics and economics


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