dr. (Efi) E. Papadodima
Efi Papadodima is Senior Researcher in Classics at the Academy of Athens (Research Centre for Greek and Latin Literature) and a Visiting Fellow at ERRC (2023-2024). She holds a DPhil in Classics from the University of Oxford with a thesis on the representation of "ethnic identities" and foreignness in classical literature. She has taught a wide range of subjects of Greek and Latin literature at the Universities of Oxford, Texas at Austin, and Ioannina (Greece).
Her research focuses on ancient Greek and Roman drama, the reception of classical antiquity in the Early Modern period, most notably in the oeuvre of Erasmus, and the history of ideas and institutions. She has authored three books and a number of articles, and she has also edited several collected volumes in the series Trends in Classics (De Gruyter). She is currently working on a monograph which reassesses Erasmus' attitude towards war and the broader phenomenon of discordia, with special attention to the author's engagement with prominent ancient sources.

dr. (Brian) B. Cummings
Brian Cummings currently holds a Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship, and in Autumn 2023 he will become the Erasmus Collection Fellow in Rotterdam and visiting fellow at ICON (University of Utrecht). He is Anniversary Professor at the University of York, UK, and a Fellow of the British Academy.

dr. (Virginia) V. Lauria
Virginia Lauria obtained her Ph.D. from Sapienza University of Rome with a thesis entitled "Erasmus and Art: Aesthetic Reflection from Texts to Images."
From January to December 2023, she was a Research Fellow at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici di Napoli (IISF) with the research project "Il volto di Beatrice. Una lettura filosofica del problema dell’effige nel Paradiso dantesco."
During 2024, she conducted the project "Erasmus and the Print: The Use of Images in Erasmian Propaganda" as an Erasmus Collection Fellow at the Rotterdam Public Library and the Erasmus of Rotterdam Research Centre (ERRC).
She is currently a postdoctoral research fellow in the History of Christianity at Sapienza University of Rome, where she is engaged in a project titled "Erasmus in Early 16th-Century Italian and European Culture," as part of the European project PRIN 2022 - The Renaissance Papacy’s Political Theology and its Projects of Religious Reform.
Areas of interest: Renaissance Studies, History of Christianity, Protestant Reformation, Italian Literature, Modern Art History

dr. (Ruorong) R. Xu
Ruorong Xu completed her PhD at Renmin University of China and Universität Tübingen in Germany. She is a lecturer in Early Modern Studies at the School of Philosophy, Shaanxi Normal University. In 2023, she was the Erasmus Collection Fellow at the Rotterdam Public Library and the Erasmus of Rotterdam Research Centre. She has published several works in both Chinese and English on the religious and philosophical thoughts of Desiderius Erasmus. Her research interests include the intellectual history of the Republic of Letters, Christian humanism in the early modern era, and the problem of free will in the 16th century.

(Evi) E. Zacharia
Evi Zacharia is an enthusiastic, multilingual and career-minded PhD student, teacher and researcher with in-depth knowledge in the field of Philosophy. Teaching experience spans 9 years and includes classroom instruction and private tutoring to undergraduate & postgraduate students of Philosophy (ancient-medieval-modern) . Research interests: Metaphysics of Love (Existentialism & Idealism), German Idealism, Russian Philosophy (19th century), Ancient Greek Philosophy (Neoplatonism), Philosophy of Religion (mysticism).