Philosophy has allowed me not only to analyze the theoretical framework for existential reorientation in current debates in medicine but also to formulate practical advices for doctors, scientists and other professionals.

Economists continuously discuss topics like income equality, distribution of wealth and fair systems of taxation. Even though we use concepts like fairness and equality in our everyday language, we are rarely asked to define them in ways that transcends the static numbers of the Gini coefficient or tax rate. Philosophy challenges you to dig deeper into the claims that are made in economics, and encourages you to ask the question behind the question. The programme has deepened my critical evaluation of macro-economic policy.

In a way, philosophy works like superglue by having the capability to glue any ends together. Philosophy has helped me see the bigger picture, both within and outside of my programme, and enables me to connect the dots where before I would not or could not. Without a doubt studying philosophy has provided me with an enriched perspective laden with purpose and understanding towards myself, my complementary programme and my surroundings.

Video: Double your degree with philosophy

Philosophy gave me the opportunity to study not only the individual but also how the individual relates to his or her environment. Taking the philosophy programme in addition to studying psychology gave me a more complete view of how we can connect different parts of society. This programme challenged me to think deeper about how we use science and how it impacts human thinking. I believe this will be increasingly useful in the future.

Governments often implement new policies to improve the wellbeing of citizens. Economists deem policies positive if they raise GDP, but fail to evaluate changes in wellbeing. Philosophy shows there is more to wellbeing than meets the eye.

Thanks to philosophy, as an addition to my complementary programme, I was able to better understand what it means to provide a good argument. It feels like I have received a brand-new set of eyes that can find order in this chaos called life. Occurrences and events that used to seem random, weird or just illogical, suddenly started to make sense. Patterns emerged, and with a new, rich assortment of concepts I can now describe them. In most other programmes, one is trained to argue in a certain way. This can sometimes even be done mechanically, without much thought. But philosophy has shown me the hidden structures of what it means to provide a ‘good argument’.

Philosophy made me look at companies, corporations, and firms in a completely different way. I learnt the importance of ethical values and moral considerations that need to be taken into account when performing any company activity. Additionally, I feel philosophy helped me to achieve a higher level of critical analysis towards many concepts that I have encountered in the course of my study and student-life.

A problem has been brought to your attention, it is up to you to fix it. That is, to find possible legal solutions. Many of these solutions have their basis in law but there are always a few aspects that might make you question your well found and sometimes (necessarily) cunning solution. Everything is done within the legal borders, and loopholes. You present your solution without any second thoughts, awaiting the gratification you so deserve, not thinking about any internal implications of your solution. You are a legal professional, come what may, but sometimes you can’t help but wonder: I know I am right, but is it right? Philosophy forces you to reflect upon your decisions, to not only question what is legal, but also what is (morally) right.