NWO-Vidi for Dr. Amanda Brandellero

The NOW-vidi’s from the 2018 round have been awarded to six talented researcher at Erasmus University. One of the laureates is ESHCC’s Amanda Brandellero. Brandellero is part of the Arts and Culture studies department and an ERMeCC researcher.

About the project: Crafting Future Urban Economies

What is the potential of craftsmanship and making locally to support a paradigm shift towards more circular forms of urban manufacture? Making, customizing and reusing things and working with your hands have found a renewed appeal, as a meaningful and self- expressive activity, as a way to manage resources responsibly, and as an alternative to mass production and big corporations. Maker fairs and makerspaces are popping up in cities around the world. But to what extent can this renaissance of craftsmanship help tackle two related challenges: strengthening local economies in post- industrial cities building on their unique local histories, while supporting their transition to more circular and sustainable forms of production and consumption?

Taking a European comparative approach, this project uncovers how the values and practices of making and crafting locally (e.g. symbolic, societal, economic) can be harnessed by cities to support their transition to more circular forms of production and consumption.

Assistant professor
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De NWO-Vernieuwingsimpuls Vidi is gericht op ervaren onderzoekers die na hun promotie al een aantal jaren succesvol onderzoek hebben verricht. Vidi maakt samen met de Veni- en Vici-beurzen deel uit van de Vernieuwingsimpuls van NWO. Binnen de Vernieuwingsimpuls zijn onderzoekers vrij om hun eigen onderwerp voor financiering in te dienen. Op deze manier stimuleert NWO nieuwsgierigheidsgedreven en vernieuwend onderzoek.
In totaal dienden in deze Vidi-ronde 443 onderzoekers een ontvankelijk onderzoeksproject in voor financiering. Daarvan zijn nu 85 gehonoreerd. Dat komt neer op een honoreringspercentage van 19 procent.

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