The MAGPIE Project is an international initiative demonstrating cutting-edge technical and non-tech solutions to stimulate green, smart and integrated multimodal transport and the European Green Port of the Future.
In Work Package 7, Erasmus UPT has partnered with 11 other organizations to develop 8 non-tech innovations to accelerate the implementation of zero-emission technological and logistical solutions at European ports
The aim of this report is to present a qualified shortlist of non-technological solutions that will be designed and implemented by partners of Work Package 7. The report establishes the two non-tech solutions, price differentiation and Green Corridors, with which WP7 will begin. Beyond the two mentioned non-tech solutions, Work Package 7 establishes a tentative selection of a further seven non-tech solutions to be developed on a phased basis.
The progress towards this selection is described with attention given to the development of a set of selection criteria. The development of the selection criteria drew upon an interactive approach between the core research team and the active participation of the Work Package 7 partners. This selection process was qualified with a reflection on how the strategic priorities of this deliverable shifted.
The key conclusions of the report were in determining the scope and ambition of WP7’s solution development process. This ambition was limited to aiming to contribute feasibility and impact analyses for relevant parties and initiatives. Regarding the phased approach to the solution selection and development, this decision was made with the highly fluid nature of the energy transition in the port context in mind.

Download the report below!