Senior researcher Urban and Regional Economics

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Jeroen van Haaren is an urban and regional economist. His research is on employment, real estate and urban amenities and their interlinkages. Employment and productivity growth, affordability of housing and urban attractiveness are topics of his previous research.
Balanced urban development strategies
Jeroen’s research is fact based and data driven and applied to empirical questions of governments and private companies. Jeroen consults with politicians and policy makers enabling them to develop balanced development strategies in cities and regions.
Research interests
- Employment and sector studies
- Housing market analysis
- Urban attractiveness and amenities
- Geographic analysis
Methodological expertise
- GIS analysis
- Data analytics
- Mixed methods
Jeroen is lecturer and/or coordinator in the following courses:
- Urban Economics and Real Estate (ESE)
- Quantitative Spatial Analysis (ESE)
- Urban Investment and Finance (MCD)
- Premaster (MCD)
In addition, Jeroen is a regular speaker at conferences and guest lecturer.
A selection of Jeroen van Haaren's recent projects.
Description: Essay based on a research project into skills and talent demand in the city of Rotterdam. Which professions and skills are scarce? And, is this a matter of mismatching or shortages? And how can this be solved?
Status: Active project
Duration: 2021-2022
Client: City of Rotterdam, part of the Economic Outlook Rotterdam 2022
Description: Monitoring study on the implementation of the Agenda for Recovery & Renewal that was created by City of Rotterdam in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this research project a broad set of indicators is closely monitored to identify the impact of the pandemic and mitigation measures on the urban economy. These insights are used to identify opportunities to foster recovery, as well as renewal.
Status: Active project
Duration: 2021-…
Client: City of Rotterdam
Description: Academic research project into the economic impact of regional and sectoral differentiation in pandemic response measures related to social distancing and closure of public amenities and private companies.
Status: Active project
Duration: 2020 - 2022
Client: ZonMW / Dutch Research Council
Partners: PBL, VU
Description: Joint study by Erasmus UPT and Utrecht University on the R&D ecosystem in the port of Rotterdam. The project includes interviews with stakeholders, literature review and a patents analysis.
Status: Active project
Duration: 2021
Client: SmartPort
Partners: Utrecht University
Description: Research project on talent demand in three regions in the Netherlands. This project includes an analysis of national priority sectors, there underlying sub-sectors, based on the industry life cycle model, geographic analysis of location patterns and embeddedness.
Status: Completed project
Duration: 2020 - 2021
Client: Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
Description: Research project on the impact of international firms and their location choices on the Rotterdam region. Additional impact indicators, such as added value and indirect employment, are assessed in this project. In addition, the embeddedness of international firms in the Rotterdam region, their ties with other firms, as well as their potential and willingness to address transition challenges in the region is evaluated.
Status: Completed
Duration: 2020 - 2021
Client: Rotterdam Partners and the City of Rotterdam
Description: Research project on the economic impact of a proposed investment strategy to foster economic growth in the province of South-Holland in the Netherlands. This project includes an evaluation of the impact of research and development as well as an impact analysis of investments in the metropolitan housing market and the public transport network.
Status: Active project
Duration: 2020
Client: Governing body Metropolitan Region Rotterdam-The Hague
Partners: NEO Observatory
Description: Essays contributing to the yearly Economic Outlook Rotterdam. These essays cover balanced growth in the Rotterdam region and cover topics such as urban economics structure, tourism and visitors, expenditure in and attractiveness of the inner-city and the housing market.
Status: Ongoing project
Duration: Ongoing yearly, starting 2016
Client: Urban Development department of City of Rotterdam
Partners: Various
Description: Research project on the economic performance and outlook for the Metropolitan Region Rotterdam-The Hague, which spans 23 municipalities. This project evaluates future growth potential as well as the conditions for this potential to be met, such as upgrades in the housing market and public transport network.
Status: Completed project
Duration: 2019
Client: Governing body Metropolitan Region Rotterdam-The Hague
Partners: NEO Observatory
Description: Academic study on the nationally designed priority sectors (‘topsectoren’) in Rotterdam. In this project these sectors have been decomposed into underlying subsectors and their path through the industry lifecycle model has been mapped over time (2000-2015). The results suggest strong heterogeneity in these priority sector, suggesting a need for a finer grain in policy making on these sectors.
Status: Completed project
Duration: 2019
Client: Urban development department of the City of Rotterdam
Description: The Talentprofile project investigates the future skills needed for the City of Rotterdam and specifically for the maritime sector. This projected involved multiple research methods such as text analysis on vacancies, interviews, and surveys. The report identified multiple talent profiles and identified the opportunities to enhance the future skills in the city of Rotterdam, such as integrating initiatives, more soft skills in scientific studies and a life-long learning attitude.
Status: Project completed
Duration: 2019
Client: City of Rotterdam
Description: In this research project we evaluate the planned housing developments in the city of Rotterdam and their impact on the housing offer for socially and economically independent residents. In this study demographic and economic projections are combined with planning, feasibility and segmentation of housing development to evaluated future supply and demand matches.
Status: Completed project
Duration: 2019
Client: Social development department of the City of Rotterdam
Description: This study investigates the impact of the emergence and growth of short-term rental services in Amsterdam. Its aim is: “to assess the linkage between the rise of Airbnb listings), the affordability of housing expressed by house prices and the development of quality of life.” Results suggests a complex dynamic between STRs and the city. On the one hand, in certain areas the presence of STRs is statistically correlated with higher house prices and a high quality of life, while in other areas the opposite appears to be the case. It can therefore not be said that STRs are in a specific relationship with the city as a whole, but rather that it relates in different ways.
Status: Project completed
Duration: 2019
Client: European Commission
Description: This scenario study assesses the economic priorities set out by the Economic Board South Holland and assesses their impact by studying the historic development of industries related to these priorities, as well as offers an outlook based on a set of scenario assumptions.
Status: Completed project
Duration: 2018
Client: Economic Board South Holland
A selection of other projects by Jeroen van Haaren
Description: Advisory project on strategies to further the knowledge economy and the related policy agenda in the City of The Hague. In this project we conduct a bottom-up analysis of productivity and employment of companies in the Hague. Special attention is paid to start-ups, firm survival as well as closures.
Status: Completed project
Duration: 2018
Client: City of The Hague
Description: Research project on the size, composition and spatial structure of employment in the circular industries in the Netherlands. In this project we used gravity modelling, geographic analysis and employment data to assess regional potential for circular economy employment.
Status: Completed project
Duration: 2017
Client: Goldsmeding Foundation
Partners: EHERO, Circle Economy
Description: Research project on the composition and location patterns of food and food related industries in the Rotterdam region. This project includes geographic analysis as well as case studies of path dependencies in industry development.
Status: Completed project
Duration: 2017
Client: City of Rotterdam
Partners: RSM
Description: This outlook maps the Finance and Legal sectors in the city of The Hague and assesses their adoption of information technology, as well as the potential for further innovation in these sectors by applying information technology based on technology adoption rates.
Status: Completed project
Duration: 2018
Client: Department of Economics of the City of The Hague
Partners: Deloitte
Description: Development of the brand 'Brabant' as part of a strategic advisory to the province of Noord-Brabant, the Nederlands. In this project a future outlook on the development of the brand was developed based on 40 interviews with key stakeholders.
Status: Completed project
Duration: 2016
Client: Province of Noord-Brabant
Description: Evaluation and validation of assessment models used for appraisal of residential and commercial real estate by Colliers International Consultants. This project includes an advice on the mathematical consistancy and market conformaty of the models employed.
Status: Completed project
Duration: 2015-2016
Client: Colliers International Consultants
Description: Project on value drivers of residential real estate in neighborhoods in Rotterdam. In this project house prices were evaluated using a multilevel hedonic pricing approach, to assess key value drivers and their usefulness as policy tools.
Status: Completed project
Duration: 2013-2015
Client: City of Rotterdam
Description: Dutch initiative for sustainable cities (DISC) aims to develop sustainable urban projects in the four major cities of Romania; Bucharest, Cluj, Constanta and Timisoara. Together with Romanian partners in the four cities, DISC is developing integrated urban development initiatives that lead to more attractive cities and sustainable business cases for all partners involved. Within the programme, a case study has been carried out on the Corvin Promenade in Budapest VIIIth district on the development of sites in the knowledge economy, while in Bucharest in the Lipscani district the role of design in urban development has been analyzed.
Status: Completed project
Duration: 2011-2013
Client: City of Rotterdam
Description: Research into the spatial-economic conditions for the development of knowledge locations in six cities (Dublin, Eindhoven, Helsinki, Incheon, Munich, San Sebastian).
Status: Completed project
Duration: 2009-2010
Clients: City of Dublin, Gemeente Eindhoven, City of Helsinki, Landeshauptstadt München, Gobierno Municipal de San Sebastian, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies
Description: The research project "Transport, Environment and Economy at urban level: the need for decoupling" focuses on the need for cities to collectively manage economic growth, environmental challenges and accessibility needs. In this research an approach has been worked on to allow cities to grow in a balanced way. The research includes five case studies on the transport policies of the cities of London (UK), Gothenburg (Sweden), Hamburg (Germany), Rotterdam (Netherlands) and Curitiba (Brazil).
Status: Completed project
Duration: 2007-2008
Clients: Gemeente Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studiess
A selection of the publications of Jeroen van Haaren
Bornioli, A., Vermeulen, S.J., van Haaren, J., Valente, R. and Mingrado, G. (2022) The Impacts of Tourism Stays on Residents’ Self-Reported
Health: A Pan-European Analysis on the Role of Age and Urbanization Level, Sustainability 14(3), 1157.
van Haaren, J., van Oort, F.G. & Maasland, J. (2021), Local cluster strategies and firm performance in the Netherlands. In: Dirk Fornahl & Nils Grashof (eds.), Regional clusters in a global world. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
van Oort, F.G. , Cortinovis, N., Dogaru, T. & van Haaren, J. (2020), Mapping relatedness in European regions. In: Roberta Capello, Alexander Kleibrink & Monika Matusiak (eds.), Quantitative Methods for Place-based Innovation Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 45-77.
Winden, W., Carvalho, de L.M., Van Tuijl, E., van Haaren, J. & Van den Berg, L. (2012) Creating Knowledge Locations in Cities: Innovation and integration challenges, Abingdon: Routledge.
Carvalho L, Mingardo G and van Haaren J. (2012) Green urban transport policies and cleantech innovations. Evidence from Curitiba, Göteborg and Hamburg, European Planning Studies, Vol. 20, Issue 3, pp. 375-396.