Digital Communication, Media and International Business

Digital Communication and Business

ERMeCC Research Theme

Digital communication has greatly impacted international business and the media business in particular. Digitization and globalization have transformed the media sector as well as the life of other industries. International trade has greatly increased, markets have converged, ownership structures have shifted and new media products and businesses have been developed. We examine these developments and the ways in which media firms and other companies adapt to altering conditions with the use of new media technologies and new modes of communication and business. Our research focuses on several types of organizations including social, non-profit, for-profit, voluntary and start-ups. We study multiple dimensions and facets of business communication and communication management. The changing media landscape is influencing changes in business practice/s, leadership, reputation management, stakeholder relations, new ways of working, etc.


ERMeCC researchers focus on the following subjects:

  • Corporate social responsibility and sustainability (Chaudhri, Y. Wang, Van Prooijen, Mittal)
  • Corporate communication and reputation (Chaudhri, Y. Wang, Van Prooijen)
  • Science communication (Lee, Pridmore, Tulin)
  • Innovation in organizational communication and collaboration (Y. Wang, Hofhuis, Horst, Hitters, Wijngaarden)
  • Cross-media creative innovation processes (Lee, Krijnen)
  • Surveillance, security and privacy (Pridmore, Trottier, Gabdulhakov, Huang, Mols, Oomens, Young).
  • Digital media marketing and advertising (Opree, Pridmore, Derda, Hermans, Scalvini).
  • Crowdsourcing and Collective Behaviour Online (Trottier).
  • Youth engagements with digital and mobile technology (Opree, Wu, Timmermans).
  • Social, communication, organizational, and semantic network analysis (Lee, Tulin).
  • Digital research methods and business communication (Lee).

Projects (selection)

Listed below is a selection of recent ERMeCC research projects in this area.

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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