Research in Digital Humanities (Hum-Andr010d)

ERMeCHS research cluster
HUM-ANDR010D research cluster

Over the past two decades, computational research methods such as text mining, network analysis, deep language learning and other AI-techniques have not just reshaped scholarship in the humanities and social sciences. They have also transformed how we understand societies more generally. 

As digital information and methods to study them will only become more important in the near future, the research cluster Hum-Andr010d aims to both contribute to a better understanding of these computational research methods, and how they impact scholarship on key topics such as globalization, sustainability and diversity and inclusion in the past, present and future. 

Hum-Andr010d is a cross-faculty research cluster at ESHCC dedicated to work in digital humanities. The cluster hosts research projects that integrate computational data analysis, and contributes to curricular innovation in history, culture and communication.

To be announced 


Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
Vergelijk opleidingen