Invoice conditions for suppliers

Help us pay your invoice on time

The Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) attaches great importance to the timely fulfillment of outstanding obligations. This folder provides insight at a glance into how you can help prevent unnecessary delays in the processing and payment of your invoice.

Your invoice meets the legal requirements, which you can find at Belastingdienst.
We will not be able to process invoices that do not meet all requirements.

We are able to receive PDF invoices

You can send an invoice as a PDF to
Please keep in mind that handwritten additions to the PDF invoice will not be processed.

Please state on your invoice:

  1. The correct name and address. The invoice must be addressed to Erasmus University Rotterdam
  2. An EUR order number or an EUR budget number.
    You have received this number with the order, it is typed and not handwritten.
    The order number always starts with the letters ORD and has the following format: ORD0Q0012345
    The budget number consists of 8 digits or more and Is correctly written. The first eight numbers together without spaces, periods or the like. If > 8 digits: After the first eight digits a dot and then a dot after every three digits, e.g. 12345678.123.123

We can receive e-invoices after an agreement has been made about this

The e-invoice must have the format UBL 2.0 or 2.1 SI and this e-invoice should be provided with a PDF representation of the invoice “embedded” in the UBL. The university will contact you to make use UBL. Note: you cannot just send e-invoices without an agreement! These cannot be processed.

What else can you do for a timely payment?

  • Submit your invoice on time.
  • State VAT exempt, 9% and 21% separately.
  • If applicable, state deductible and non-deductible VAT separately.
  • For a credit invoice, always state the same information as on the debit invoice, not just
    the debit invoice number.
  • If the invoice has a timesheet, add this as a second attachment after the invoice.

What should you never do?

  • Accept or invoice an order without having received an EUR order number or a budget
    number in combination with the company name.
  • Use a EUR budget number from a previous order by Erasmus University Rotterdam
    without consulting the university.
  • Submit an invoice that relates to several EUR budget numbers of the Erasmus University Rotterdam (unless this has been contractually agreed with you).
  • Submit collective invoices (unless this has been contractually agreed with you).
  • Use prices, quantities or descriptions other than those stated on the order.
  • Submit invoices that exceed the total order value.
  • Settle debit and credit invoice (without reconciliation). Never combine a credit invoice
    with a debit invoice.

More information? If you have any questions, please contact Erasmus University Rotterdam - Accounts Payable:

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