How to engage your students with Storytelling and Theatre Skills

Two people at a meeting table, watching someone draw on a smart screen.


Storytelling is an important part of our society and history. It can be used as an educational tool to engage students, spark interest and stimulate critical thinking skills. It creates opportunities for discussion and stimulates a good relationship between teacher and learners.

In this microlab you will craft a personal story that helps you motivate your students and target their attention to the topic or issue you want them to focus on. With the help of theatre techniques you will learn to deliver your story in an inspiring and engaging way.

Key Facts & Figures

Start date
Thursday 24 Oct 2024
3 hours
Instruction language
Mode of instruction

What will you achieve?

  • You craft a relevant and motivating story that supports the purpose of your course or educational session.
  • You practice delivering a story with impact using theatre techniques.

Start dates

  • Thursday 24 Oct 2024

    Time: 09:30 - 13:00 Campus Woudestein - Education Lab
  • Tuesday 25 Mar 2025

    Time: 09:30 - 13:00 Campus Woudestein - Education Lab

Target group and required prior knowledge

Targetgroup of this microlab consists of all teachers, tutors or other staff that has to deliver educational sessions, such as tutorials, workshops or lectures. The skill of storytelling can benefit everyone who has to engage and motivate students in all kinds of study programs of the Erasmus University. No prior knowledge is needed.

Content, form and time investment

To prepare for this MicroLab you will make a start creating a (personal) story for educational purposes, using inspiration from the online environment. 

During the session (3,5 hours) practice and improve your story together with the facilitators and other participants. We will use insights from theatre and practice theatre techniques to deliver your story in the most inspiring way you can. 

Expect a playful and connecting session full of stories! 

Earn an Edubadge

You finish the MicroLab with a Proof of Competence. You will then receive an Edubadge. This is a digital, visual certificate which you can share on e.g. LinkedIn. Interested parties can immediately click on the certificate to find out what you have done to achieve the EduBadge.


Register for this MicroLab via the registration system. Do you work as a lecturer at Erasmus MC? Then sign up by sending an email to


For questions about MicroLab and registration, please contact Risbo.

Email address

Facts & Figures

Not applicable
Start date
Thursday 24 Oct 2024
Application deadline

The application deadline is two weeks before the MicroLab takes place. If registration is no longer possible, please contact to see if there's any spots left.

3 hours
Offered by
Community for Learning & Innovation
Course type
Instruction language
Mode of instruction

Education Lab



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