Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

Sustainable health care for all

Welcome at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) is a leader in education and research in the field of health policy and management in the Netherlands and far beyond.

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ESHPM Academy

ESHPM Academy's courses and meetings are practice-oriented with a solid scientific foundation. They are taught by renowned professors and university lecturers and inspiring guest speakers.

Our research

View our leading research.

ESHPM Research

Social Safety

At ESHPM we want students and employees to feel safe during their studies and their work.

Accounting for Future Health Events: Including future costs and valuing health gains in health care decision-making

Meg Perry-Duxbury MSc will defend her thesis on September 23rd. Her research covers how to account for (the cost of) future health events, like pandemics.

ESHPM researchers receive funding for developing innovative regulatory approach

Four researchers from ESHPM have received funding from NWA to develop an innovative regulatory approach to make sure vulnerable people are seen.

Successful ageing in China: the importance of health behaviours

Zeyun Feng will be defending her thesis, focused on successful ageing in China and the importance of health behaviours that play into it.

EsCHER to be awarding scholarships to non-EEA students

Erasmus Centre for Health Economics Rotterdam (EsCHER) will be awarding scholarships for several master’s programmes to support excellent non-EEA students.

‘Making a profit does not have to be the wrong incentive’

Kritiek op marktwerking in de zorg groeit, maar Marco Varkevisser vindt dat geen reden voor een nieuw zorgstelsel. Lees er hier meer over.
Marco Varkevisser

Growing old pleasantly in own communities for Dutch citizens with and without migration backgrounds

Anna Petra Nieboer and Jane Murray Cramm have received NWO subsidy for research into age-friendly communities for older people in the Netherlands.

How should we measure health preferences?

Samare Huls studies how well methods that elicit self-reported health preferences measure what they intend to measure.
Arts en patiënt in gesprek

Rebels in the public domain

Hoe kunnen we het publieke domein zo vormgeven dat hardnekkige problemen kunnen worden aangepakt zonder dat dit leidt tot een verdere uitbreiding van regels?

Data use in healthcare: a big contrast between dreams and reality in practice

Marthe Stevens MSc researched for her doctoral thesis how data dreams in healthcare work in practice. How can data support healthcare?
Marthe Stevens ESHPM

Lessons from Professor Jochen Mierau

As part of our inspirational talks, yESHPM recently welcomed Jochen Mierau, professor of public health economics, to spearhead a meetup for young researchers.
Professor Jochen Mierau

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