
It’s time to get inspired!
Campus with network EdUconnect
Thursday 1 Jun 2023, 09:30 - 13:30
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EdUconnect is where our EUR community connects to get informed, to share knowledge, and to inspire each other. Where we translate inspiring ideas into opportunities within education. Because developing education is what brings our community together, exploring possibilities for future oriented education. It’s time to get inspired!

A morning full of inspiration and developments at our university. Talk about our education together with lecturers, students and support staff. Because what is education according to you? Can education only take place between four walls, or are there other possibilities? And what can the university expect from students and lecturers in this?

Keynote speech

EdUconnect starts with the keynote speech 'Taking care of educational concerns' by Liesbeth Noordegraaf - Eelens. Education at Erasmus University strives to achieve positive societal impact. A key motivation for this is that, as a society, we face complex societal issues. However, it is not easy to address these complex social issues in education. For instance, social issues often require a long-term approach and education is short-term, education itself is a complex issue and it is not immediately clear what expertise is needed and it can’t (always) be foreseen what the consequences are of using specific knowledge and leaving knowledge out. The keynote proposes to see education as care and issues as concerns. This approach leaves room for the tensions mentioned above and offers starting points for dealing with them.

Liesbeth is professor Transformative Academic Education at the Erasmus School of Philosophy, and has the professorship Transdisciplinary Education Innovation at Codarts, University for performing arts.


Join one of the seven sessions! After the plenary part, the session leaders will pitch their topic and you will be able to choose on the spot which session you want to attend. You can find a sneak preview below:

In this session, we will be teaching you the basics of the Harmonized Appraisal (HAPP) assessment methodology, a new approach to grading and providing feedback. HAPP combines features of rubric-based grading, comment banks, and smart personalization of feedback to make grading more efficient and consistent for the educator and more insightful and fairer for the student. In this workshop, you will learn about the key components of HAPP and how it can be applied to different types of assignments. Additionally, you will gain an understanding of the benefits of this approach. By the end of the workshop, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to implement HAPP in your own classroom.


Learn a new and efficient approach to grading and providing feedback on assignments like essays and presentations, with the Harmonized Appraisal assessment methodology.


If you're interested in this workshop, please bring your laptop.

Colin Lee

Session facilitator

Colin Lee is an assistant professor in Human Resource Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. He teaches Human Resource Management and People Analytics. His research focusses on questions at the intersection of human resources, organizational behavior, IO psychology, and career studies. His work leverages text analytics and Natural Language Processing to provide insights into how people can be matched to work and to develop tools for the dissemination of academic knowledge in his fields of interest.

A few years ago, we decided to develop an online master program on the psychology of digital media. Besides learning about the topics in a theoretical way, students experience what it is like to completely depend on digital media in their learning and development process. In this session I'll share the educational insights underlying this master program and some ground rules that helped to define the work forms and tools supporting the learning process of the students. Also, I'll show that with a lot of enthusiasm and some trial and error we came to this innovative program with a subject that is relevant to everyone working, living and learning in the digital age. 

Daantje Derks

Session facilitator

Daantje Derks - Theunissen is associate professor Work & Organizational Psychology at Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies. 

In this workshop we will discuss the impact of online education on the well-being of educators. We will start with a presentation of the results of an ongoing research study about teacher well-being in the context of online education at the EUR. We will share the results of an extensive literature review and insights from a series of interviews performed with teachers at the EUR. Then, we will collaboratively identify strategies to enhance teacher well-being in the context of online education. We will talk about ways to enhance the connection with students, strategies to share professional experiences and ways to choose from the large amount of tools and techniques available for online teaching. This workshop will be ideal for teachers and academic support staff who are involved in online (or blended) education.


After this workshop you will be able to identify strategies to enhance teacher well-being in the context of online education.

Welmoed van Deen

Session facilitator

Welmoed van Deen is an Assistant Professor at the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management. Her research focuses on the use professional learning networks to support the implementation of value-based healthcare. Welmoed also serves as the coordinator for the online Pre-master Healthcare Management at ESHPM and has received a CLI research fellowship to look at the impact of online education on teacher well-being.

In this workshop you’ll be following a mini-lecture on the usefulness and practicalities of visualizing your content and then work on a PowerPoint presentation that you’d like to improve; this can be a lecture, a presentation about your research or an informative meeting you’ll be chairing. This workshop can be useful for anyone who finds themselves reading their slides aloud, struggling with explaining content with clarity or who is afraid of a sleepy audience due to ‘death by PowerPoint’.


After this workshop you’ll have started with improving your presentation to create more clarity and better understanding for your audience.

Sandra Lousberg

Session facilitator

Sandra Lousberg is a trainer from Risbo with a passion for visualization and education.  She combines these passions in this workshop and is looking forward to working with you on visualizing your content.

When is feedback effective? And what makes that feedback effective? In this workshop you will learn about the 7 hallmarks of effective feedback. We will practice the application of these hallmarks by giving written feedback on an example student-product and discuss the challenges of providing effective and efficient feedback. This workshop can be interesting for anyone who find giving effective (written) feedback to students a challenging task or who are looking for ways to have more impact with their feedback.

Marit Nieuwenhuys

Session facilitator

Marit Nieuwenhuys is an educational consultant and trainer from Risbo with an interest in learning that lasts and how educational design, teaching and assessment can contribute to student growth. She believes feedback is one of the key factors in this.  

Speaking without preparation can be quite dreadful. However, in many cases, we might be asked to deliver a speech without much time to think about it or rehearse it. In this workshop, we will explore how practices from improvisational theater can help you to become a more confident speaker in situations without much preparation.


After completing this workshop you will be able to:

  • Understand how improvisation can help you to become a more confident speaker
  • Apply 3 improvisation rules to a short impromptu speech
  • Reflect on own use of non-verbal communication
Bianca Banica

Session facilitator

Having a passion for public speaking and helping people grow and develop, Bianca Banica has been combining her passions as a LifeVersity trainer since 2019. She is originally from Romania, but she is an RSM "home-grown", currently pursuing her MSc in Human Resource Management at RSM. Bianca is looking forward to unlocking your public speaking potential during EdUconnect!

Creativity can be an essential skill for success in your future. Whether it’s coming up with innovation, improvement, or a new business idea you might often need to think creatively or out of the box. In this workshop, you’ll be introduced to basic methods and principles of creative problem solving (CPS). CPS is a thinking method of finding a novel and original solution to problems in which “conventional” thinking usually fails. In essence, it’s about unleashing inner creativity to solve problems in unusual ways.


After completing this workshop you will be able to:

  • Reflect on your own relationship to creativity.
  • Apply principles of Divergent and Convergent thinking to generate new ideas.
  • Understand the process of creative problem-solving method to overcome cognitive biases when coming up with the solution.

Inspiration fair

After your workshop you can grab lunch and visit the Inspiration Fair. Learn all about CLI Fellowships, innovation projects, TeachEUR, MicroLabs, Students-for-Students, Impact at the Core, ErasmusX, Lifeversity, and Erasmusarts 2030


9:00Doors open
9:30Start with keynote speech by professor Liesbeth Noordegraaf - Eelens
10:00"What do you think?"
10:30Pitches for the sessions & short break
12:00Inspiration fair

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More information

Date: Thursday 1 June
Time: 09:30 – 13:30 (doors open at 9:00)
Location: Van der Goot Building – Forumzaal (M3)
Entrance: free

Organised by the Community for Learning & Innovation

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