Ronald van Raak with 'De Ongelooflijke Podcast'

Portrait of professor Ronald van Raak.

He is claimed by Protestants, Catholics and atheists: Erasmus. Without doubt one of history's great thinkers and one of the Netherlands' most famous writers.

Desiderius Erasmus was a humanist, priest, philosopher, theologian, educator and counselor of cardinals, kings and emperors. But there's something elusive to him, too. Was he revolutionary or just cowardly? Was he primarily a critic of religion or a deeply religious man?

And what can we learn from him today? A lot, says Ronald van Raak. He was Member of the House of Representatives for the Socialist Party (Socialistische Partij, SP) for 15 years and is currently Professor of Erasmian Values at Erasmus University Rotterdam. There, he translates Erasmus' ideas into today's topical issues, such as freedom, satire and cancel culture. 

Van Raak talks to David Boogerd and theologian Stefan Paas of the VU University Amsterdam and the Theological University Kampen-Utrecht.

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This item appeared originally on the webpage of NPO Radio 1.

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