Step by Step Approach

The platform is structured by four pillars which outline the four main areas of focus in practicing inclusive education: Community BuildingConnective CommunicationCritical Self Reflection, and Contextualization of Knowledge. Underneath each of the pillars are a number of assets and resources (what we call toolboxes) focusing on more practical and specific interventions.

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Jason Wong, Unsplash

1. The pillar for Community Building is the foundation on which the other work of inclusion can be built.

  • These activities and resources help to establish a safe-space.
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Assorted Books
Jason Wong, Unsplash

2. Inclusive interpersonal and group dynamics require Connective Communication.

  • These activities and resources help to establish a brave-space.
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Assorted Books
Jason Wong, Unsplash

3. Critical Self Reflection, helps discern yourself from others through personal and professional reflection.

  • These activities and resources help to establish personal growth , which is a building block to meaningful connection with others.
Assorted Books
Assorted Books
Jason Wong, Unsplash

4. Contextualization of Knowledge encourages reflection on representation and the power relations within which the knowledge we produce and reproduce, as academics, has been created.

  • These activities and resources help to establish intellectual and societal reflection and connection.

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