DoIP Research Associates Interview

Prof. Evert Stamhuis
Prof. dr. Evert Stamhuis

In this interview series, each month the Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity Initiative introduces one of it's Research Associates. These scholars are working on topics related to inclusive prosperity, have a track record of active involvement in DoIP’s activities and have excellent academic credentials. This month we highlight Prof. Evert Stamhuis who was also involved in the startup phase of the initiative as one of the trailblazers and is currently a member of our Advisory Board. 

What is your current research focus?

The word focus may be overstating my research policy, since there is such a wide variety of topics connected to Governance of New Technologies in society. Let me just mention that there is a special place for governance of digitalization in the public and semi-public sector, which for me includes the interaction between law and Big Data/AI.

How does your research relate to the Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity initiative?

One main goal of good governance is the balancing of the interests of all. More particular the protection of individuals and communities against exploitation of any kind or other harm to their interests is included, again with attention to what the law can mean in the realization of that goal.

What is the added value for you in being a research associate of the initiative?

It keeps me connected to the super engagement of the core team and opens opportunities for conversations on work of myself or others. Like the conversation we had a couple of months ago on the combination of methodologies so that we can be more prescriptive in our scholarly output. And let’s not forget to mention the two book discussion projects that I valued very much.

Person behind the researcher

I have not read the best book yet, I hope. Always looking forward to the next one. From my recent reading I want to highlight the novel of Pascal Mercier, “Das Gewicht der Worte” (The weight of words).

As with books: always curious for the next one. Gerard van Honthorst’s “Christ before the High Priest” took my breath away when I saw it for the first time in the National Gallery in London.

The super-short memory of the current Dutch prime minister and his lack of accountability for the mess which his consecutive cabinets have created in the country, makes me really angry these days; to my own surprise. Why bother about a politician, but still … the emotion is there.


Erasmus School of Law
Full Professor Law & Innovation

Gerechtshof 's Hertogenbosch
Honorary member Court of Appeal (criminal section)

University of Aruba
Chairholder Criminal Law and Procedure

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Digital Governance
Senior Fellow

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