Multidisciplinary meetings during webinar Where law meets business valuation

On Tuesday 8 February 2022, Erasmus School of Law organised the webinar Where law meets business valuation. The webinar was focused on valuation issues at the interface of law and business valuation. The webinar was set up based on the idea that business valuation has developed into a thriving specialism over the past decades, but that its significance for legal theory and practice has so far remained underexposed. The webinar was attended digitally by more than 150 participants, including lawyers, valuators, judges, scientists, and students.

The webinar started with an introduction to the theme of business valuation by Marc Goedhart, senior expert in Corporate Finance at McKinsey & Company and Professor of Corporate Valuation at Rotterdam School of Management. Subsequently, within three domains (company law, compensation law, and insolvency law) the interfaces between law and business valuation were discussed. Speakers included Sebastiaan van den Berg, partner lawyer at RESOR NV, Egbert Eeftink, accountant at KPMG and Professor of Financial Reporting at the VU, and Vino Timmerman, Professor of Corporate Law, in particular its historical development, at Erasmus School of Law.

The webinar was chaired by Maarten Kroeze, Vice President of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court and Professor of Corporate Law at Erasmus School of Law, and was organised by Marnix Hebly and Arnoud Pijls, both Associate Professors at Erasmus School of Law within the Law & Business Department.

Associate professor
Associate professor
Arnoud Pijls, Associate Professor of Corporate and Financial Law

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