New Year's reception: ‘Getting things done together’

Foto Arie Kers

Cooperation was the main theme in the speech by Kristel Baele, President of the Executive Board, during the New Year’s reception on Monday 8 January 2018. As an example, she mentioned the swift resolution of the issues relating to the closure of Polak building. “I’m sure that we’ll see many more examples of this sense of community in the coming year.”

The theme of this year’s speech was ‘getting things done together’. Baele started her speech by showing a video featuring highlights from 2017, examples of things that were achieved last year. 

Highlights 2017

The President of the Executive Board referred to cooperation as the common denominator in all the highlights in the video. “They all reflect our willingness to work together, in big teams, in small teams. They reflect our stamina and creativity and our dedication.”

As an example of cooperation, she mentioned the swift resolution of the issues relating to the closure of the Polak building on the evening of Thursday 19 October. “Within a few hours, our problem-solving, hands-on mentality proved very effective. I had the opportunity to see all our colleagues doing their utmost to help students and colleagues.”

Baele talked about the swift rescheduling of lectures, the creation of new study places and the rehousing of facility service providers. “An amazing achievement, all done in one evening! I’m sure we’ll see many more examples of this sense of community, of close cooperation, in the year ahead.”

“There will be challenges along the way, expected and unexpected, as there will be every year. But I am confident that we will accept these challenges and face them, as One Vibrant Academic Community.”


Finally, Baele talked about the university’s 105th anniversary. This will be celebrated from the Opening of the Academic Year 2018-2019 in September. Baele called on everyone to celebrate this anniversary together.

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