Universities of the Future: Engaged Science and Education for Transformative Resilience

EU Strategy Days Brussels 2024

2024 marks a significant year for both the European Union and Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). As the EU prepares for its next elections and frames its future policies on research and innovation (R&I) and education, EUR celebrates its lustrum and 110 years of pioneering thought and impactful research. To commemorate these milestones and strengthen our ties with the EU, we organized the first-ever EU Strategy Days in Brussels on March 20-21, 2024, aligning with the European Commission's official EU R&I week.

Blogpost by Meri Georgievska-Van de Laar. Edited by Jovana Paredes.

Breaking new ground in Brussels

Large university delegations directly engaging with European policymakers in Brussels are rare. Typically, such interactions are dominated by interest groups and umbrella organizations. Our EU Strategy Days broke this mold, positioning EUR as a pioneer in EU policy-science relations. We were there to deepen our engagement with EU policymakers, explore new collaboration avenues, and ensure our Strategy 2025-2030 aligns with global and European developments. This unprecedented event highlighted EUR’s commitment to transformative science and education.

One of the most memorable moments was the keynote speech by EU Commissioner for R&I and Education and Culture, Ms. Iliana Ivanova. What was meant to be a brief address turned into an extended and insightful discussion lasting nearly two hours. Commissioner Ivanova’s keen interest and active participation underscored the significance of our dialogues on inclusive prosperity and evidence-based policy.

Speech Iliana Ivanova EU Strategy Days Brussels 2024

Fostering Unity and Strategic Dialogue

Building Community and Strategy

Our delegation, led by President Ed Brinksma and Rector Magnificus Annelien Bredenoord, included deans, vice-deans, academic leads, and professional services staff. The atmosphere was one of unity and shared purpose, a sentiment further cemented during our networking dinner. This set the stage for the following day's intense discussions and panels.

The event kicked off with a briefing from Neth-ER, followed by thought-provoking panel discussions and a live-streamed public conference by Science Business. We heard from prominent EU policymakers, including representatives from the European Parliament, the European Commission, and various R&I organizations. Topics covered the future of science, universities' roles in addressing global challenges, and the pursuit of inclusive and sustainable prosperity. Prof. Martin de Jong spoke about EUR’s commitment ‘to examining inclusive prosperity as a leading knowledge provider in Europe’ and announced the launch of an EUR-wide, multidisciplinary Inclusive Prosperity Institute.

Our final event, a town hall gathering with EUR alumni, was a testament to the lasting impact of our education and research. Hearing from alumni, now influential figures in the EU, underscored the lasting impact of our education and research on their professional journeys.

Group photo EU Strategy Days 2024

Key insights for the EUR community

Science as a catalyst for positive change 

Reliable, timely, and holistic scientific advice is crucial for evidence-based policymaking. Universities must incentivize researchers to engage with policymakers, emphasizing the societal impact of their work. Integrating social sciences and humanities into research frameworks is essential to understanding and addressing societal challenges.

Transformative resilience and innovation 

Universities need to embrace innovative, flexible, and agile thinking to navigate societal, environmental, and technological transitions. Engaging with European University Alliances can address talent gaps and foster multidisciplinary solutions. Transformative science should promote convergence of disciplines and societal engagement, maintaining universities' inherent transformative nature.

Inclusive and sustainable prosperity 

Universities play a vital role in developing new metrics for societal well-being that extend beyond GDP. This includes environmental sustainability, social inclusion, and community well-being. Successful transitions require co-creation with industry, government, and communities. Providing opportunities for youth and ensuring diverse perspectives are essential for holistic solutions.

Looking ahead

The EU Strategy Days were the beginning of a journey toward deeper EU integration and influence. By engaging directly with EU policymakers, we underscored our commitment to societal impact and evidence-based policy. Moving forward, EUR aims to build on these foundations, fostering deeper collaborations and ensuring our strategies align with the evolving European landscape.

Events like these are crucial in shaping the future of universities and their role in global challenges. EUR is committed to continuing this engagement, preparing position papers on key topics like inclusive prosperity, and actively participating in EU research and innovation frameworks.

Click here to read the full event report.

About the author

Meri works at Erasmus Research Services as an EU Liaison Officer. For more detailed insights and highlights from the event, please see the event website. You can also contact Meri at georgievska@eur.nl

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