prof.dr. (Annemiek) AT Harder


Annemiek Harder is professor by special appointment in the Horizon-chair ‘Evidence-based youth care and education’ at the Clinical Child and Family Studies section of the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Before that, she worked as an associate professor at the Department of Special Needs Education and Youth Care of the University of Groningen. In terms of research and education, she focuses on the quality and effectiveness of treatment for young people with serious emotional, behavioral and/or family problems.

In 2020, the book ‘Out-of-home care for youth: Keys to success in treatment and education' was published in which she, together with co-editors Erik Knorth and Chris Kuiper and various experts from practice and science, offers an overview of 'what works' in treatment and education to the approximately 45,000 young people in the Netherlands who are placed in out of home care every year.

Annemiek obtained her doctorate cum laude at the University of Groningen in 2011 with a PhD thesis about the (quality and effectiveness of) care in secure residential youth care. In 2011, Annemiek also contributed to the Samson Committee research project into sexual abuse in residential youth care and foster care. One of the research projects she is currently working on focuses on the development and evaluation of Up2U: a treatment module for motivational mentor/coach conversations between professionals and young people in residential youth care.

Since 2016, Annemiek has been a board member of the European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents (EUSARF). She is also a member of the International Work Group on Therapeutic Residential Care and the International Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood from Care (INTRAC). In addition, she is editorial board member of the journal Residential Treatment for Children and Youth.

Her expertise and areas of interest are:

  • Behavioral problems, antisocial or delinquent behaviour, risk and protective factors
  • Adolescents, young adults, families with serious and multiple problems
  • Out-of-home placement
  • Residential youth care, 24-hour youth care, family homes, secure residential care facilities (JeugdzorgPlus), Juvenile Detention Centers (JJIs), forensic treatment
  • Motivation for behavior change, therapeutic alliance, treatment relationships, program integrity interventions
  • Professionalization and training of social workers in youth care
  • Motivational Interviewing (MI), Up2U treatment program
  • Qualitative and quantitative research methods: effect studies, longitudinal follow-up studies, interview and observational studies


Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Endowed professor | Youth and Family

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Associate professor | Youth and Family


  • AT (Annemiek) Harder, J (Jolande) uit Beijerse, Leonieke Boendermaker & Mariëlle Bruning (6 February 2022) - De noodkreet uit de gesloten jeugdhulp is een roep om actie
  • AT (Annemiek) Harder (30 January 2022) - Gesloten jeugdzorg: 'Ik kan nog steeds niet tegen het geluid van een sleutelbos'
  • AT (Annemiek) Harder (18 January 2022) - Moeten deuren van gesloten jeugdzorg snel dicht? Het hele idee is achterhaald
  • AT (Annemiek) Harder (27 December 2021) - Het piept en kraakt in de jeugdzorg: de 3 belangrijkste uitdagingen op een rij
  • AT (Annemiek) Harder (8 December 2021) - Investeren in effectieve hulpverleners is de enige redding voor de jeugdzorg
  • AT (Annemiek) Harder (28 October 2021) - Haken en ogen aan ideeën voor betere jeugdzorg
  • AT (Annemiek) Harder (1 October 2021) - Eenzaam, maar niet alleen
  • AT (Annemiek) Harder (27 September 2021) - Patronen doorbreek je door náást het gezin te gaan staan
  • AT (Annemiek) Harder (9 September 2021) - Schiet niet te snel in de reparatiereflex
  • AT (Annemiek) Harder (9 September 2021) - Dertig jaar na instelling De Dreef
  • AT (Annemiek) Harder (20 June 2021) - Communicatie in jeugdreclassering
  • AT (Annemiek) Harder (14 May 2021) - Hoe komt de jeugdzorg uit het diepe dal?
  • AT (Annemiek) Harder & Steffie Van der Steen (11 May 2021) - Is jeugdzorg gebaat bij meer paardenkracht?
  • AT (Annemiek) Harder (21 April 2021) - Debat Hoenderloo groep: Niet alle kinderen een passende plaats
  • Annemiek Harder (28 February 2021) - Waarom meer nodig is dan geld voor de problemen met jeugdzorg: ‘Er zijn echt jongeren waar nu geen plek voor is’
  • Annemiek Harder (6 November 2020) - Kinderen hebben niets aan overhead
  • Annemiek Harder (9 October 2020) - Kinderen met de zwaarste problemen raken uit beeld
  • Annemiek Harder (21 September 2020) - Kies altijd voor de samenwerkingsrelatie

  • Annemiek Harder (2023) - Van reparatie- naar relatiereflex: Werkzame hulp met effectieve professionals
  • Annemiek Harder (2023) - Kleinschaligheid: werk in uitvoering: Wat gaan we de komende jaren doen?
  • Annemiek Harder (2023) - Met vertrouwen & verbinding naar verandering bij gezinnen
  • Annemiek Harder (2023) - Met verbinding & vertrouwen naar verandering in de jeugdzorg
  • Annemiek Harder (2023) - PhD assessment committee J. Sonderman
  • Annemiek Harder (2023) - The importance of training and support for professionals in residential youth care
  • Annemiek Harder (2023) - Van bekeren naar motiveren: Het bereiken van positieve gedragsverandering bij jongeren
  • Annemiek Harder (2023) - PhD assessment committee S. Pronk
  • Annemiek Harder (2022) - PhD assessment committee A. Sturm
  • Annemiek Harder (2022) - Succesvol uit huis: met motivatie & goede relaties mogelijk maken

Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid

Start date approval
April 2022
End date approval
March 2025
Voorzitter en lid Toetsingscommissie LIJ


Start date approval
July 2023
End date approval
July 2026
Ned.Vereniging voor pedagogen en Onderwijskundigen

4.5 Thesis Pedagogical Sciences

Course Code

4.3C Forensic Orthopedagogy

Course Code

News regarding prof.dr. (Annemiek) AT Harder

Research on trust in the criminal justice system gets 1.5 million from Nationale Wetenschaps Agenda

"With this project, the Netherlands invests in a just, safe future for everyone."

The importance of basing good youth care on scientific research

Endowed Professor Annemiek Harder is researching Dutch youth care. With her research on motivational interviewing, she aims to advance the practice.

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