dr. (Roy) R Kemmers


**Roy Kemmers (1980) is an Assistant Professor in Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam's Department of Public Administration and Sociology. As a cultural sociologist I am interested in processes of cultural change, as manifested in the (changing) meanings that are attributed to such topics as politics, religion, identity, gender and ethnicity.

In my PhD project I studied contemporary popular discontents about politics by taking a cultural sociological perspective. With this project I aimed to develop a theory about political discontents that emphasizes the importance of ordinary people’s own definitions of the situations they find themselves (and society) in. In different parts of my dissertation I analyse 1) the different types of political discontents that can be found in the letters to the editor of Dutch popular newspaper De Telegraaf, 2) the socialization of discontented citizens into (what I refer to as) their ‘anti-establishment careers’, and 3) the differences between populist party voters and nonvoters in their subjective abilities to perform meaningfully in politics. Through these efforts, I engage theory on populism, political distrust, participation and deviance. Taken together, these different analyses inspire a problematisation of the exclusive focus on the institutional-political domain of many relevant theories.

I am chief editor (hoofdredacteur) for the full-colour Dutch quarterly Sociologie Magazine.  [Sociologie Magazine]: http://www.sociologiemagazine.nl

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Assistant professor | Governance and Pluralism


  • Roy Kemmers (2019) - Boze burgers begrijpen - Openingstoespraak CVS congres
  • Roy Kemmers (2017) - Identity and the self in Sociology - Guest lecture
  • Roy Kemmers (2016) - Channeling Discontent? Nonvoters, Populist Party Voters and their Affective Political Agency
  • Roy Kemmers, SD Aupers & Jeroen Waal (2015) - Becoming Politically Discontented: Anti-establishment Careers of Dutch Nonvoters and Populist Party Voters
  • Roy Kemmers (2015) - “It’s just no fun to watch TV anymore!’ On Becoming Politically Discontented and (re) evaluating media’
  • Roy Kemmers (2014) - Channeling Discontent? Comparing Nonvoters and Populist Party Voters' Political Self-Efficacy
  • Roy Kemmers (2014) - Politiek onbehagen gekanaliseerd? Een vergelijking in politieke voldoening tussen PVV stemmers en niet stemmers
  • Roy Kemmers (2014) - Sociologie Magazine (Journal)
  • Roy Kemmers (2013) - Becoming Politically Discontented: How Dutch Nonvoters and PVV- voters Have Come to Reject Established Politics
  • Roy Kemmers (2013) - Understanding anti-establishment discourse among Dutch citizens

News regarding dr. (Roy) R Kemmers

Talking to rather than about angry citizens

Sociologist Roy Kemmers obtained his doctorate in political discontent. In de Volkskrant he tells about his approach and how his own background played a role in
Straat in Rotterdam in de zomer.

Why some voters remain frustrated after voting for a populist party

Populist parties such as PVV or UKIP can work as lightning rod for discontented citizens, but only when they believe in the traditional political system.

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