From award winning scientists to PhD students, everyone at Erasmus University Rotterdam is engaged in creating new knowledge. Pursue your career in research by starting a PhD track in our multidisciplinary, international setting with social relevance in mind. Where disciplines meet, knowledge is advanced.
From master to PhD researcher
Each year more than 300 academics complete their PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam. All faculties have their own doctorate programme, which normally amounts to a four-year track during which you perform research on a particular subject under the supervision of a professor.
Completing a PhD programme is a requirement to become a university professor, researcher, or scientist in many fields. In the course of your PhD you will follow courses and workshops, and attend conferences, all geared towards enhancing your research and networking skills.
Excellent academic reputation
Erasmus University Rotterdam has an excellent academic reputation and maintains a high position in international rankings. According to the QS ranking, the EUR scores the best in the field of Accounting and Finance and Business and Management. The University also ranks high in many different areas.
Facilities for PhD students
There is a wide range of training possibilities for employees within Erasmus University Rotterdam. The training courses and programmes are given in the Training and Development Platform, TOP. In addition to coordinating the range of training courses with other universities, This platform is where all practical, substantive and innovative activities relating to training and development take place. Three courses are specifically offered for PhD employees; Stress management, Lab of life: Work-Life Balance and The art of change.
Furthermore, EUR also offers PhD candidates guidance and counseling, for example by offering the services of a PhD psychologist.
More about EUR
Weys Qaran – Public Administration

- "Contributing to knowledge that might improve the labour market positions of these vulnerable groups is really motivating"
Andrea Reina Tamayo – Psychology

- "There aren’t many studies of work engagement at the moment level. It’s something quite ‘out of the box.’"
What Makes Them Tick? Pieter van den Heede about his research on WWII and games

PhD in the Spotlight: Emma van Gelder

Siri Driessen about her research on war memorial sites