Donatas Meskele

If you believe in yourself, Erasmus Education Fund can make your dream come true!

D. Meskele

Studies Econometrics at Erasmus School of Economics

Till the moment when I received the letter from Erasmus Education Fund I was doubting between studying at Erasmus School of Economics and staying in my country. However, after opening the envelope I was sure that I am definitely going abroad.
Because of this scholarship, I paid my tuition fee, bought my tickets to EurekaWeek, PENGUIN weekend and paid for intensive Dutch courses. Since it was not a sightseeing trip to a new country and I was absolutely alone, all these events helped me a lot. I found new friends, learnt new things and had enough time to explore the city. If you want to become more confident, it is really worth arriving earlier than the beginning of your studies.
Now my first year is almost done, just one block left, and I can say that there have been no moments when I was regretting coming here, even though that studying Econometrics and Operations Research requires quite much time and effort (if you try to get high grades, not only to pass). However, this does not mean that it is impossible to do something extracurricular. I have joined dancing and martial art classes, also I am hoping that I will be chosen as an ESE ambassador and I will get the spot in Bachelor Honours Class. You only live once, so be a maximalist and take from life everything what is possible.
I am very happy with the given opportunity to study Econometrics at ESE and I would like to encourage all people who are wondering about studying at EUR, but have financial difficulties, to seek their goal.
If you believe in yourself, Erasmus Education Fund can make your dream come true!

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