Media Technologies, Users and Effects

Children and Media, Users, Effects

ERMeCC Research Theme

In the past decades, producers of digital media content have been increasingly adopting strategies of media convergence, interaction and peer-production. Moreover, new media technologies are shaping interpersonal as well as corporate and organizational communication resulting in changing user practices. Interactive media such as social media, digital games, are becoming spaces for moral engagement, ritual behaviour and learning.

We share an interest in how existing social practices/ structures intersect with new media. In our work, we counter simplistic, technological deterministic takes on new media as disrupting our lives. Instead, we focus our attention on bringing to light the dynamics through which both everyday life and institutions constitute the background within which new media become used and conceptualized. Yet, at the same time, we also consider the transformations that these technologies introduce in the context of personal relationships and social practices. Our approach to this problematic is interdisciplinary, with an interest in interpersonal relations, individual psychology, political communication, civic engagement, surveillance, policing the social, anti-terrorism, business, etc.


ERMeCC researchers focus on the following subjects:

  • 'User-producers' and user-created-content (Jansz, Van Eldik, Kneer, Slot, Lutkenhaus, Mosemghvdlishvili, Neys).
  • Use of digital media content for social and behavioural change (Bouman, Jansz, Kneer, Lutkenhaus)
  • Use of dating apps and other forms of online interpersonal communication (Timmermans, Wu)
  • Innovations in news  formats and journalistic styles (Hille, Janssen, Koreman, Slot, Verboord).
  • Methods and techniques for analyzing online communication ( Lee,  Dumitrica, Ruigrok, Slot, Tulin,  Verboord).
  • Trust in Online Environments (Dalla Chiesa, Gong, Janssen, Koreman, Verboord).
  • New Media Technologies, Surveillance and Privacy (Pridmore, Trottier, Gabdulhakov, Huang, Mols, Mosemghvdlishvili, Oomen ).
  • Children’s and youngster's media usage and parental mediation (Dumitrica, Nikken, Opree, Slot, Jansz).
  • Uses and appropriations of digital games (Kneer, De la Hera, JanszLima).

Projects (selection)

Listed below is a selection of recent ERMeCC research projects in this area.

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